WP Product Talk is a weekly podcast about WordPress product business. Every week, we interview an experienced WP product owner on strategies, tips, experiences, failures, and successes of running successful and thriving WordPress product businesses. It’s your go-to podcast for WordPress product owners, by WordPress product owners.

WP Product Talk co-hosts

WP Product Talk has four co-hosts:

The format of WP Product Talk

Every episode has two co-hosts and one guest. It is streamed live via Youtube. During the show live viewers can ask questions that the co-hosts might highlight on the screen and answer live with the guest.

Every episode has a post on the website where the live stream is embedded. Upcoming episodes have a convenient “Add to calendar” feature that viewers can use to remind themselves of episodes that interest them.

After the live stream is ended, the episode is converted to an audio format and distributed over the major podcast platforms.

Custom subtitles are uploaded to Youtube after each episode, as are chapters.

On each episode page, you’ll find the video, the audio (with a player), Show Notes, and a detailed transcript. The co-hosts and guest are also listed on the page with links to their episode archive and their social channels.

WP Product Talk Podcast Distribution

Here are the relevant links for each podcast platform where WP Product Talk is distributed:

Frequently Asked Questions

What topics does WP Product Talk cover?

The show covers the following topics, and you can see all topics with their associated links:
Product Development
Product Marketing
Customer Experience
Product UX

Where can I subscribe to the Youtube channel?

This is WP Product Talk’s Youtube channel: https://youtube.com/@wpproducttalk
You can subscribe to the Youtube channel with this link: https://www.youtube.com/@wpproducttalk?sub_confirmation=1

I’d like to be a guest on WP Product Talk. How can I apply?

We always welcome new guests with direct WordPress product building experience. You are welcome and encouraged to apply here.

I’d like to sponsor WP Product Talk, how can I do that?

WP Product Talk does not currently accept sponsorships of any kind. We are four executives from different companies donating our time to this show for the pure benefit of the WordPress ecosystem.

Does WP Product Talk have a blog?

Yes! We publish updates and resources here.

I have a suggestion or a question for the co-hosts. Where can I reach out?

Please reach out to us here. We respond personally to every email we receive.

Does WP Product Talk have any other types of video content?

Yes! We have an occasional series we call “Yay or Nay?” where two people (typically a co-host and one guest) ask a simple yes or no question and discuss it. These are short 10 to 15 minute episodes and are published on the Youtube channel with accompanying commentary on the blog.