WP Product Talk
WP Product Talk
Social Media Marketing for WordPress Products

As the digital landscape evolves, so does the importance of a strong social media presence. Dive into our next WP Product Talk episode, “Social Media Marketing for WordPress Products”. We’re honored to host Karmen Kendrick, an expert Product Marketer from StellarWP. Karmen will reveal how leveraging social media can magnify your WordPress product’s reach and engagement.

With the ever-growing maze of social media platforms and strategies, it’s crucial to know where to focus your energy. Tune in to glean insights from Karmen’s vast experience, and learn the best practices to elevate your WordPress product in the digital social sphere. Engage in this enlightening conversation co-hosted by Katie Keith and Zack Katz.


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this is WP product talk the place where every week we interview an experienced
WordPress product owner on strategies tips experiences failures and successes
of running successful and thriving WordPress product businesses I am Zac Katz founder of gravity kit and trusted
login and I'm Katie Keith CEO and co-founder at Bantu plugins
and I'm excited because today is topic is social media marketing for WordPress products
and this is a great topic because some extent and yet lots of where
product companies are unsure how to use it to grow their business boy and to talk with us today is our
special guest Carmen Kendrick and Carmen welcome to the show
hi everyone uh please introduce yourself and uh tell us what you do
yes so again my name is Carmen Kendrick I am a product marketing manager at
learndash and if you're kind of curious what that title means pretty much anytime it comes to product releases new
products I am managing the marketing behind all those things and then also my
little side business is unzip marketing and it is a book that I'm writing about
how to grow your freelance business so that's me excellent and so we're doing this live
and people can also watch later so anyone who's watching live we would encourage to leave a comment or a
question whether you're commenting on something we've said adding your own perspective or asking a question that
you'd like one of us to answer so feel free to leave comments and we'd love to answer them live
so firstly we always start with the topic why is this so important for
WordPress product owners so Zach do you want to go first yeah as social media is crucial you you
have to know what's going on with social in social media channels because it allows you to communicate directly with
your customers your users your potential customers uh you need to know what
people are saying uh so that you can communicate with them uh and respond
directly to their concerns or their questions or identify uh what how
they're talking about your product and your brand absolutely yeah
yeah why do you think it's all social media is a great way to
find out what your customers want and what they're saying about your brand your competitors and I say that because
what happens is you're trying to find the right marketing message to put out there and the best way to make your
marketing to speak to your customers is to use the language that they're already using so when you're on social media you're seeing how they're talking about
your competitors or even talking about your brand and you can pretty much put that into your messaging when you do do
your marketing for your product that's a really interesting point to think about the competitor side of
things as well as what you're doing directly so I think it's a huge topic to talk
about because social media could be a big opportunity to spread the word about your WordPress products and build a name
for yourself but it can also be a big time sync and it's difficult to measure the return on investment so as a
community we need to share our experience of what does and doesn't work for us so that we can all learn from
each other so uh let's talk about this let's learn from each other uh during our story time
uh let's share some personal experiences with social media marketing and how it made a difference for you and Carmen
would you please go first yeah of course so my I've always used social media but
not in a business or like a marketing a product type of way so my story is kind
of funny um I was on Twitter before but for whatever reason I deleted my account and so I was going to work Camp Atlanta
I want to say that was 2018 I believe and um I had gone the year before that but I
really didn't feel like I really connected with anybody and so I was advised like hey join Twitter and start
meeting people and so that was like the biggest game changer for me by joining Twitter and have these conversations
because I would see a lot of the people I was speaking to on Twitter before I got to work or when I got to work camp
and it just made it so much better I feel like I knew people it was so nice just to you know have that connection
beforehand so you didn't feel all weird and awkward talk like hey so what do you do in WordPress it's like hey I I saw
you online we were talking um so from that experience what I did because at that point I was freelancing
um so from that point I just started to share my journey on Twitter about you know how it was like me going from a
full-time job into building WordPress websites for people and so many people just latched on to my story and even
fast forward to now um when this role became available at learndash um I actually found this job I'm working
I learned as through Twitter so it was really just a great opportunity for me to meet so many people and to share my
story and just kind of take it from there so that's my personal story we've kind of focused so far on talking
about the products aspect of it but there's the networking aspect of it too and with word campus coming up I'd love
to hear more about your experiences with uh using social media as a networking
with you other vendors other brands and also your customers that may be showing up to
these word camps so getting on Twitter which is I think is the best platform honestly for like World campuses like
real-time conversation and getting to know people um or even putting it in your um you can
change your name on Twitter so like you have your username with yours also a name and so a lot of Brands they
actually do uh go into word campus and so if somebody's searching that term or they see it come up like you know it is
both comfortable and you can have that conversation beforehand so when you get to the actual word Camp it just makes it
just a better experience overall overall excuse me to talk to people when you're there so that's a really big thing for
networking and when you get there in person like you have that connection and it doesn't feel like hey I'm trying to sell you my WordPress products like hey
we've already connected so interesting so what do you find is the
difference between personal versus uh brand kind of social media in terms of
the pros and cons do you find one significantly more valuable and does it affect the network and
um that sort of thing yeah so I definitely feel like people we trust other people and it's not so much
as like you know you want your brand to have its own social media presence but it's also important from someone from
the brand and Katie I think you do a great job of that like you're very transparent on Twitter about you growing
your company and so people like to connect like I said before with other people so it's like a balancing it's
like you have to balance it because your personal brand if you are connected to your brand very closely it has to also
reflect so you can't be you know saying crazy things on social media but also you know talking about your brand and
like how your product is like you know it solves so many problems but you're just a nasty person
um otherwise so it's very delicate on balance and that but I do think having both is important
we recommend having I forget what they call them but like Shadow accounts where you have your actual personal and you
have your your personal brand personal account or do you do you do that do you have it like a separate hidden personal
yeah so at one point I experimented with it but I just didn't like it to be
honest I just felt like I was you know I don't know like just two-faced it in a
sense um so I'm just like you know what this is who I am choosing to be I'm gonna choose to be a positive person I know
Twitter has like a variety of topics and so you just have to think about like hey
what is my actual goal with this and not let your personal interests get in the way of like what you're trying to do
professionally which in sometimes is more important than just like putting your opinion out there because
everyone's putting their opinion out there and Kitty uh could you share your
stories uh with social media marketing yeah that follows on quite nicely from
Carmen's really um I um we always have brand accounts for
band to mainly Facebook and Twitter just because it felt like we should actually
we have LinkedIn as well but I never go in there um but all of them are really we've never really invested in we just also
post our blog our new blog post and that's kind of about it
um and I've never really seen any value at one point we hired somebody to try to
grow our Twitter following as a but the Band 2 brand and nothing really happened
it did you know we got a few more followers but it didn't link to sales or anything measurable so I always felt
very skeptical about it and uh was never on anything personally from a
professional stance until just last October and then there was a few things
that came to convince me to join Twitter as an individual within the WordPress Community one of them was going going to
word campus last year and I think this year will be different but last year it
was mostly bigger Brands and companies that have been acquired and as a sort of
Standalone independent company it made me feel kind of a bit like determined I
can do it on my own I don't need all this I was hanging out with loads of lovely people but they had all been
acquired um including people from learndash and um and it just kind of gave me a bit of
a complex I suppose so I was thinking how can I you know get bigger in the community without needing that support
of having sold my company which I'm not looking to do at the moment and and the other thing was then my husband Andy
who's my um business partner as well said you should be on Twitter uh Katie
um you are the face of barn too and that's what people do so I reluctantly joined Twitter last October
see there's no coincidence with you moving to Mastodon at this point which we should discuss later anyway
um as the comparative social networks um so I joined and it was actually amazing and I very quickly built a
network similar to what Carmen described earlier on fellow WordPress professionals people that run similar
companies people can learn from me I can learn from them and I found real value in it it was a bit like a mastermind
Group which I have with Zach and some other people but kind of on a bigger scale so you don't have such a personal
connection with these people but you have a wider breadth of experience as well so sometimes there's a value in
posting a question there as well as or instead of within a smaller network of kind of a private Network like a
mastermind group so I've got loads out of it and when we sponsored wordcamp
Europe people were coming up to me and saying how much they value my Twitter which I was really surprised about
because I came into it with no strategy whatsoever and just because of those two
things I mentioned um the um and the Imposter Syndrome from webcam Europe uh us and my husband
telling me to so that was really amazing and I've also had some Direct business benefits from being on Twitter
personally for example we recently acquired a plug-in for the first time called woocommerce Product tabs and the
previous owner reached out to me having got to know me and he contact me directly on Twitter so if I wasn't on
Twitter as an individual professional that acquisition would probably never have happened and there's been a few
things like that and I look forward to meeting people at wordcamp us next week who I've started to get to know on
Twitter so it kind of jump starts those relationships a bit so I'm kind of still
skeptical about the brand side of things and would like to learn about anybody who's making that work for them but I
really do see that as a professional yeah brain is very tough because you
also I think some of the brands that do um do the best on social are ones that really participate in pop culture
uh but if you can find those references like we missed the opportunity with Stellar which is like one of the kind of
umbrella brands of learndash so I think a couple weeks ago it's like a UFO alien sightings and sellers All About Out of
This World um the seller verse and I'm like hey this is a perfect opportunity um so for me personally I think that
Brands is really a struggle unless you can kind of connect with with everyone's already talking about without like not
being true to your brand so another example is Barbie was very big but I
wouldn't do anything with learned action Barbie I mean I don't know but Barbie's a teacher or something but sometimes you
can't participate in every Trend and that's okay but I think that's what make a lot of Brands really send out when
they have their own personality and when they're participating a lot of the pop culture events that's going on
how do you define that line from participating in in Trends and and
holding back and uh do you have a document like how do you define this stuff internally uh to say that would be
kind of cringe if we got involved in this uh hashtag uh let's let's hold back from this one yeah
yeah I think it comes to uh just having a document that's like your Brand's
personality as it's like it's a person it's almost like a reverse um client Persona and it's like a
Persona on your brand like you know when you think of your brand who is it like I can't think of anybody for whatever
strange reason I don't know like Bob Iger from Disney or something um is your is your brand like this
person think of it as a person and then also think about your customers so uh learned that she has a very large
um I guess outside of the U.S audience and customer base and so sometimes you have to think about okay this is who we
are as a brand these are our customers and is that really going to connect if I talk about for example Barbie to this
customer base and sometimes it doesn't make sense so I think knowing your brand and really knowing your audience is how
you can determine what makes sense for you and regarding that that kind of
references something Katie was talking about in terms of where your brand is on social media a kitty who said you
weren't on LinkedIn or you wherever you weren't active there uh our brand the gravity kit is on uh is on X previously
known as Twitter uh even though I'm not personally uh how do you how do you
choose which channels to get involved in uh as a product owner
sorry was that for me or for kids oh sorry yes for you Carmen okay sorry
just because because you want to have you want you would have your handles taken on all social platforms because
you just want doesn't you don't want the situation where someone just comes in and try to say you know and ask things about your Brands because you don't have
a handle so I think it's definitely a great idea to clean your handles but you don't have to actively participate on
each brand I think that thinking about again where your customers at where they're talking to you already for
learndash that's Facebook our Facebook group uh is amazing it's like over 25 000 members and it continues to keep
growing and so that's like our main focus we do a little bit on Twitter we have an Instagram account but it's not
updated that frequently and it's mainly just about showing up where our customers actually are online
and we have a Facebook group as well um and we had been doing Facebook ads to
try to to get people to like our Facebook group who may not have been known about it because we may not have
communicated it well enough uh and we've been slowly building it and I I I admit
that we haven't utilized it very well to communicate uh to our with our customers to interact with them
um what advice do you have for product owners for Facebook groups in particular all right
well I know it sounds cliche but it's really the community and you're looking at it more sometimes you will have
topics that come up that you may um put into place but it's really the community themselves talking about it
just also depends on your product itself because learn Dash can be used for so many use cases our Facebook group is
very much thriving with people just asking all different questions like hey I'm a homeschool person how can I use
sir Dash in this instance and it just also depends on your product itself so sometimes Facebook groups may not be the
best thing but it just depends on like how complex your product is and it seems like the more complex the more that you
have people that's asking those type of questions and really keeping that group going
cool let's bring up a comment from Amber now which directly responds to that
sorry I pressed the wrong button there it is um so Amber says we have a Facebook
group but I have a hard time finding time to go in and respond to other people's questions and posts do you have
any advice about that Carmen yes so it's very important to establish
that the Facebook group is more peer-to-peer kind of support and anything official
um if you have a you know direct question it goes to your actual support ticketing system um and sometimes you may have to remind
people about that um but it's always like you have to make that clear like this is very much
peer-to-peer we're here to help when we can but if there's something official that you need help with you should definitely go through our ticketing
system so you just have to put that reminder out there constantly to people I feel you would need a very big user
base in order to achieve that peer-to-peer support um maybe would that be better for bigger
companies do you think I think so too but I mean learn Dash I
mean for the last I think we required in 2021 um even before like liquid web like came
on and purchased learn Dash it was still pretty much a thriving I think it's been around since 2013.
um so it has been around for a while so we have had time to establish that user base so in the beginning I do feel like
maybe it is a little bit more you're interacting in there and I've even seen I want to say and maybe be the events
counter I can't think of which one of our Brands is like that there's actually someone else that kind of has the
Facebook group and it's not actually owned by the brand but the brand is active inside of the Facebook group itself so sometimes that can be a thing
maybe you can link with the WordPress influencer and they actually have the group about your product
um in there as well so there's a lot of different ways you can do it to encourage Community it doesn't always have to be about your product I think
one of the things I like the most um with Facebook I'll see groups about um online course Academy online course
Builders and when you have a group like that it's very because we're all about online courses it's very easy to insert
yourself but you don't have to worry about hey am I getting enough attraction because people are talking about so many
topics when it comes to online course creation and it's just not just about your product so you can approach it in a
few different ways even being a small company Amber has a follow-up question or
comment rather it says we have about a thousand members and there are about 10 people who respond to posts and provide
help um I assume that's people from inside the community uh like inside the group
that are not employees that are 10 active people is that true uh amber but
regardless uh what what how many active members do you see in your groups like
do you how do you reward these uh these star contributors uh is that something you have uh set up
uh for Amber for me oh sorry uh yeah for you okay uh so the funny thing is I don't
really do a lot of moderation myself in our Facebook group uh and we do have like Michelle for I'm pretty sure
you all familiar with her um I believe she has set up some type of gamification badges um in Facebook which is really
important you'll see those little things next to people's name and that makes a big difference
um also if you have any type of like an experts page on your website that may be a way to reward those people that are
very helpful and you maybe want to screen a little bit more to make sure they really understand how your product works and helping people but that could
also be something because you're you know so valued in our Facebook group we're gonna actually put you on our
experts page on our website and send clients to you for the product so that helps them show recognition and you know
support there and one thing that I was going to talk about later but seems like a good time
now is how how do you use social media as a product owner to kind of gather
this feedback into actionable items for the product team uh like either enhancements or bug reports or ticket
like how do you ingest all that stuff into your company's processes
so it's uh it's definitely work it's not a manual work that goes into that and I'm probably not as good as it as I
probably should be but if you can commit to maybe twice a month just going to I
like using G2 and capture as well even though they're not really social media sites like I like to go on like
competitors um the review sites and see what their their customers are seeing about their
products like what are they upset about and kind of just putting that all into a spreadsheet you also want to have like
an official channel to kind of put those things in but just Gathering those things and it's just having it there is
also very helpful um for you to help you know talk to your product teams about hey what should we do next in the product so
yeah uh in terms of my social media story time uh when when we launched
gravity view in 2014 uh I had built a lot of um I built a list already of email
newsletter lists uh of beta testers and people who had signed up to be interested in it I had been promoting it
on social media uh as as early as possible with like teaser images and
teaser stuff and then when we finally launched uh it was a good response but
it also didn't sustain itself uh what I found to happen uh what I found really
got the word out was when we released a YouTube music video and people found that to be really fun
and they were retweeting it and talking about it and commenting on it saying you know best thing ever I released that a
week before a conference called prestonomics and it was the buzz uh at prosnomics or at least it was for me
everybody was talking about how much fun they thought it was and how it you know told them about the product let them
know it existed uh all while making them laugh and sing along so that was my that
was my one viral moment where I felt like the WordPress Community knew what
was going on because of the social media because of the silly video uh and I certainly helped set the brand tone for
Gravity View you've done more than one music video haven't you I seem to remember you got
Matt mullenweg to sing one time I did yeah Matt contributed during the
pandemic I uh saw the the social media videos that were going around with
people all collaborating on a music video so um I had the person who created the
gravity view music video he created a song for uh for everybody to take part
in and then he edited it together and we all uh sang along so um I believe that was the word process
people song um strong yes yes thank you I how quickly
these three years have gone so if you go to wpstrong.com let me make sure that
Link's nope that doesn't work link uh wpstrong.org you can see uh a lot of
people joining in on a collaborative video during the pandemic
directly for your brand but it would have helped raise awareness of gravity kit as it was then
yeah and I I decided in order to make good at the business expense I figured it was it made sense to have a little
thing at the end that said you know brought to you by gravity view um I don't think uh Matt was thrilled
that that existed he thought it was just some sort of open source project like I don't know I had to be paid for somehow
sorry man I didn't apparently breathe in on that sorry foreign
type of uh project I don't know if you're familiar with Michael Jackson and all the people that contribute to that song so that's what it made me think of
just just a random thought yeah and I I had originally thought that everybody was going to be singing in their in
their natural voices Jonathan Mann in his uh in his wisdom auto-tuned people so that it actually matched the match
the the melody rather than trying to make it uh you know just our voices so
that was probably a wise move yes
so now is our section for best advice for product owners um regarding social media so Katie uh
can you share your best advice for product owners yeah I would say to
choose a purpose for your social media marketing are you targeting potential customers existing customers or more
generally raising awareness of yourself and your company in the industry and once you've done that figure out which
social networks they hang out on and get active there make a habit of posting regularly and
allocate at least 10 minutes a day per Network to scrolling through your feed and commenting on other people's posts
too because that makes a difference and I think we should pull out some of that in a minute and once we've done all of
our top tips and talk about pros and cons of different networks and things as well
yeah I I agree that we should talk more about that um for my tip my best advice it's to
find out who's in charge of social media um because our support team technically
responds to some questions in our Facebook group then our our marketing team responds to the people on Twitter
uh and sometimes things can fall through the cracks uh if we don't keep on top of it uh there there's a gravity forms
Forum that they run like running discourse that's it gets complicated so
make sure you know who's doing what and uh and then customers can learn whether
or not they can rely on your response
so Carmen what are your top tips and best advice for new product owners on
social media yeah so I think I've already kind of alluded to some of these points but
thinking about thinking about where your potential and even your existing customers are currently and then also
you don't have to be on every platform just the one that makes sense but Reserve those handles I can't uh recommend that enough
and I know that Katie uh Katie and I before the call uh Katie gave me a lot of grief about there's only one sentence
oh there was so much there was so much Guff that was just embedded in that sentence uh because I'm a master let's
make it live to the world let's make it live I'm airing my grievances right here live on the show
oh I left Twitter uh I am still I still
I just scroll Twitter but I I refuse to engage I favor things but I'm not going
to add content because of my I don't know my my ethics that aren't actually that strong
principles I have principles darn it at least until the next time I choose to change my principles
um so I'm on Mastodon only and I find that there's a great broadcast Community there but it's not the same as Twitter
and it's certainly not the same as threads and it's not the same as blue sky and it's not the same as LinkedIn
because who knows what goes on there maybe Carmen does uh
Carmen can you help guide us on this uh I know you talked a little bit about finding where your customers are but can
you can you go into more uh of the kind of nuances of different networks and
what might be there yeah so um I think even if like not choosing to
actively participate on Twitter uh or X so I feel like you can still maybe put
in your bio and maybe even it's an autoresponder just reminding people like Hey we're not on here that much but
here's where you can connect with us on other places so I think that actually works as well um you're not really actively adding
anything of benefit but you're just telling people like hey if you're here um you know just you know you can still
you know talk to me on other platforms just talk about the brand on other platforms so I think that's what you kind of just have to decide just
checking in every now and then but you don't have to say like I'm gonna do a whole strategy on this platform
um because I feel like even threads we were very excited about it and then I'm just like I don't hear anything about
threads anymore so yeah that was brief wasn't it
I think that people are engaging on it I think it's kind of turning into a more Niche type of thing I'm like I have a
friend she's a hair stylist and she said that hairstylists were doing a really rare I mean really well on threads so I
think it just depends it's back to where your audience is so
I've noticed that when people apply for marketing jobs with me they start
recommending that we go on all these social networks that we're not um for example one person was adamant
that we should be on Pinterest and that that was like the third biggest search engine in the world or something like
that but I've never heard of any WordPress company having Success Through that and similarly others are saying we
should be on Instagram um which I can't see any relevance of Instagram because that's like photos
isn't it I know I'm showing my age here um but we don't have photos of our products maybe screenshots but who wants
that so what about these other networks are there any others you think people can find success with carbon
I definitely think you can find success with Tick Tock and Pinterest but it's
not just a simple thing as just posting it still has to be a funnel to like get people because the ultimate goal is we
want people to buy our products and find success in them and so it can't just be oh we should be there because it's cool
and everybody's already there like you can't just do it to fit in the crowd like you have to have a strategy because at anything at the end of the day like
you know you're paying people to you know do this job and they also have to be producing something from it so it
would be nice to have a presence and be posting on all these platforms but you just have to choose one do that very
well and then maybe move on to the next platform if you can or if you want to and in terms of strategy how long should
people try a network like how long should a brand be building and building before realizing that it might not be a
good fit for the network um I know it sounds like a long time but I would at least give it a year but you
have to be very focused on making sure your content connects and that everything you put out there it has an
end goal to it so I would say at least a year um I started a tick tock for learn Dash we have one video up and so I'm very I
even did the Pinterest thing it's just like hey we can't let's just focus on what we're actually good at so I did a
Instagram so we joined we have a mascot called floaty he's an astronaut he may
or may not be human we don't know uh he joined Instagram and he has posted maybe
once or twice um but when we did a paid ad for
Instagram where somebody made a cookie that was uh a floaty cook floaty
designed cookie and they did like a Time Lapse video them decorating it all nice
it got no play like nobody all the cooking Community loved it like the few
and uh no it didn't go beyond the cookie making community so in terms of
strategic blunders I would say that was it uh and we have not been back on
Instagram uh since then so I don't think we're going to be uh staking a claim there
yeah it goes back to that funnel
something sounds like Instagram for example or ads it's like hey what are where are the people at in their Journey
do they already know about my product are they looking for that solution and then it kind of just goes from there and
how that flows so it could work but you have to be very very detailed on what you want that to look like I didn't have
a strategy I just wanted a cookie about our mascot is that okay
opening Mastodon is diluting um the impact of say Twitter because I
don't want to double the time I spend scrolling through feeds and I I've heard that there's a lot of duplication
between the two as well um so it's like I think if you do one you have to kind of embrace it as we
just touched on with not being on too many and do it properly so that you can really build a following and make it
work so the more you're on the less likely that is particularly as an individual rather than a brand where you
might have different marketing colleagues to handle different networks potentially
right Herman are you concerned at all from a brand management standpoint uh
associating with you know X because is there like a are you on
Truth social for example like is there is there some sort of brand management question as to what networks you join
versus what networks you don't join from a from just an associative standpoint
yeah so I'm very much in the mindset of what's best for the business
um which can be you can toe the line with that because some people have used that excuse as to do very unethical
unreasonable things um but it's to me it's about what's best for the business me personally I'm
getting older so I don't want to be on every new social app that comes up but
if it makes sense for the brand and if my customers are saying you know we don't like what x is doing and we're
moving somewhere else we're going to Mastodon it totally makes sense to establish your presence there because your people have made it known
um and so that could be maybe accomplishing me maybe even surveys send out to your customers like hey where are
you hanging out online and you can make those decisions those sound decisions based on actual research you have from
your customers so and Carmen one thing I've I wanted to
make sure to get all your all your knowledge and insight on uh was using
social media for product launches and like what what are your tips for
specifically how to sculpt kind of a product launch campaign I would love to learn more about that
awareness thing on social media like hey it's out there but our biggest one is going to be our Facebook group so
anytime we have a product launch I don't care if we don't touch Twitter Instagram we are definitely going to put out an
announcement in our Facebook group and that's how we handle it we like we don't have to do every single platform it just
makes sense I keep saying this like what our audience and what our customers are actually engaging with and what they're
going to see because we can put something on Instagram or Twitter and we all mention it in Facebook group and
then someone finds it and screenshots it and like hey why didn't you guys tell us about this and I'm like oh my God we
just forgot to do that so we've learned that the Facebook group is the most important for announcements
and do you do the same for sales uh like how do you how do you approach like
specific social media sales do you do that versus like email newsletters uh on
the website how do you do promotions so email is always our biggest driver
when it comes to conversions social helps social is more so to me social ads
and it's uh retargeting people that may have gone to the site or something of that nature and so when it comes to our
sales we're that's what we're basically doing what we're doing retargeting on social and not so much as trying to get
the word out about it because at the same time WordPress products they can be kind of Niche and so it's not like
somebody with learndash they may be looking at a teachable and said we can't compete with the teachable
um so it's better to try to get the people that are already looking at erection and put more attention on that
interesting and I wonder whether we should widen the net of what we would call a social network for example within
WordPress there are other things which are basically equivalent such as the
post status slack community in terms of the benefits actually that is pretty
much a social network isn't it even though it's a closed one um would you say that should be part of
the strategy and are there any others like that that I've missed yeah I think when you say that to me
social media just means community and uh with something like uh Discord or a
slack Channel you kind of have a little bit more ownership on what happens there so it's not even just thinking about oh I need to be on these top platforms I'm
focused on building my community and I think that's the best way to look at this
yeah true and with each one I find it's more and more time and overhead like I
don't get much out of the post status one because I haven't made the time to go through all the different threads on
it and sometimes people comment me on something relevant and I join in but I find it's more and more places to check
every day and there's obviously the official ones as WordPress and woocommerce and there's absolutely tons
of them so I find that challenging but I think there's a lot of value in those WordPress ones
yeah definitely I just lost my point that I was gonna say behind that about
the community building piece to it but oh I know what it was so a lot of things are changing on social media platforms
like I think it's they're calling um staying on the platform there's a
special name for it but it's like basically no linking out and for us like we need the traffic from people linking
abilities platforms they don't want people to leave so it's honestly best to try to figure out your best way to build
can be like using these social media platforms to get people to your actual own Community is what it comes down to
because the rules are always changing and it's also always to their benefit and not ours is product owners
yeah I have heard heard that that linking out they don't want even things like
um apparently it's better to embed a video directly into Facebook or Twitter rather than host it on a YouTube site
and then put the link in and things like that because it's all about um creating that um kind of echo chamber
where nobody can get out they just want you to stay within there and yeah and one of the things that we explored was
setting up our own discourse not Discord uh but discourse which is like a forum software and we chose not to do it
because we would have to build that whole network up um there's self-hosted uh like buddy
boss for example Community platforms that allow you to try to build a community on your own domain that you
don't have to use Facebook but uh it seems like you would have you've been
talking Carmen about bringing people meeting people where they are at the platform that they're currently using
addressing their their concerns wherever they are and building a community of your own is a lot more work than than
going to where they exist already um have you what's your opinion on trying to build a network on your own
domain that uh from like from scratch I think it's a two-prong approach it's
like you still are on the networks that already exist but you're still finding ways to push them into your own
Community or wherever that may live on your own domain so I definitely think it's a two-party you're definitely not going to just build it and have people
coming there from day one but pushing people there um there's a game on my iPad it's called like Township and it is just like
amazing to me all the things in the game that keeps me coming back too because I've played plenty of games before but
it just keeps me coming back so like you really have to strategically think about what you're building your own community
and like how do I keep these people coming back how do I keep them engaged so
yeah like the whole gamification thing and um yeah those Rewards
it's hard with knowing whether to create your own Community or bring people into Facebook or something because on the one
hand you've got to build the whole thing and people would have to create accounts on your buddy boss website or whatever
but on the other what about the people that have refused to join Facebook for example which seems to me to be
declining fewer and fewer people are on it so at the moment I can't think of one
universal place where everybody is where you can guaranteed meet all of your customers
yeah I think the only way that's kind of solving that problem is I notice a lot of sites are using social
um sign-ins so it makes it so much easier versus having to create a new account because a lot of people are using things like Gmail for example uh
Facebook and Twitter is off often options but it kind of meets people where they are and they don't have to create a brand new account and it's
something that they're already using to try to get them into your own community so I definitely recommend using things
like that yeah true right well we've nearly
um been 45 minutes which is when we normally end so does anybody have any final points they want to make before we
close okay I was I'm sorry I just want to say
this was a really great conversation um I really enjoyed it so I just want to put that out there
out there well thank you so much for being on the show it's been great and I think we've covered a really great breadth of the issues around social
media marketing for product owners which is exactly what we wanted so hopefully
that'll be super useful to people and you've been a brilliant guest uh next week we are not doing an episode
because all for uh actually Maps off at a wedding and the other three hosts are
at Work Camp us so um we're gonna skip a week and then we will be back on the
30th of August with special guest Rich table uh product manager at automatic
and we're going to be talking about product user experience so that's a totally different topic uh to this week
and that'll be really interesting and uh I love that Katie says you've been a brilliant guest that's uh British for
you've been an amazing guest uh or excellent thank you
apparently sounds good is negative in America so I don't know about that no
it's been in Germany too long I'm not gushing enough yeah so thank you Carmen and uh special
thanks to Pro status as well for being our green room where we coordinate things if you're enjoying WP product
talk uh please do us a favor hit like hit subscribe share with your friends
add us to your newsletters uh no add us in sign up just go go sign up follow us
on all the socials uh even Mastodon where Katie is not yet but she should be because that's where I am
and most of all uh we hope to see you next week uh thanks again for Carmen
Kendrick from learndash and uh thanks everybody hey

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