Grow your sales with pre-sales calls & webinars. Nov 29, 2023. Three smiling faces: Amanda Gorman, Katie Keith, Amber Hinds.
WP Product Talk
Growing your Sales with Pre-Sales Calls & Webinars

Join us on WP Product Talk where will be discussing how to grow your sales with pre-sales calls and webinars. Our special guest is Amanda Gorman, Director of Customer Success for StellarWP.

Amanda will share her insights and proven tactics to help you understand how to effectively use pre-sales calls and webinars to grow your sales. Whether you are just starting out or looking to refine your existing sales strategy, this discussion will provide valuable insights.

hello and welcome to WP product talk the place where every week we interview an
experienced WordPress product person about strategies tips experiences failures and successes of running a
successful and thriving WordPress product business I'm casy Keith co-founder and CEO at BTO plugins and
I'm Amber Hines CEO at equalized digital and today's topic is growing
your sales with pre-sales calls and webinars yeah I am really excited about
this topic especially because we started experimenting with um doing pre-sales webinars a little bit more so I'm
excited to share what we're talking about and hear what you all have been working on and hopefully get some comments from
guests yep um we have an excellent guest this week which is Amanda Gorman from
Stella and welcome to Amanda thanks so much for coming on thank you so much for
having me so could you introduce yourself a bit and tell us um what you do in
WordPress absolutely be happy to um so I'm Amanda Gorman I'm with Stellar WP
director of customer success and Stellar WP is the home of many plugins um some
of you may be familiar with give WP the events calendar learn Dash um restrict
content Pro orderable iconic um I feel like I'm missing one in there but a
whole bunch of family of Brands so we've got a lot a big Suite of uh products that help folks run agencies or help
folks just raise money online for example um so my role as director of customer success is to listen to the
customer and to help my team to listen to our customers and to utilize the feedback that that we receive uh to help
our customers to be successful throughout their journey of you know maybe even trying to understand the
product from the very pre-sales stage to then actually making a conversion uh of
using the free product or a paid product and then moving on to possibly renewing
with us which is ultimately our goal so a lot of my attention is focused on earning that renewal and all of the
pieces that go into that yeah that's fabulous I I'm really excited we're both really excited to
have you here and hear some more thoughts about how you'll handle that at selller WP for anyone who is watching
please do take time to write in the chat on YouTube we will see those comments
and we are happy to answer any questions or respond back with
you so um I think it might be helpful for us to talk a little bit more about
why this why we're talking about pre-sales webinars or calls because I
think in WordPress a lot of product owners especially smaller products but even a lot of the larger product
companies don't do any sort of sales efforts they rely on marketing and then
they maybe have a a demo that is a self-served demo someone can spin up off of their website and then they just
expect people to purchase and they don't typically engage with people in a live format maybe they a form where you could
submit a pre-sale question that goes to a support uh help Des software so I
think it's it's interesting to talk about why this is important and why people might want to think about it um I
know for us personally we've talked a lot about how can we transition from doing one to one sales to one to many
sales which is why we've you know experimented with some webinars more recently uh but Amanda why do you think
it's important for WordPress products to consider doing more of the the the live
interaction with people absolutely great question you know no matter the size of the business
I see value in these face-to-face conversations whether it is a one-on-one
interaction which I believe is the most valuable because you can get into the real nuance and really understanding the
person that you're communicating with and the person that's interested in you they're investing their time and energy
looking into your product they're spending time with you that's and that can be a reciprocal engagement you can
have that relationship and that can really be a lasting relationship um I'll speak more on that in a moment but even
with a group setting where you're demonstrating to many different people on a webinar or a group demo experience
you're still having that Personal Touch where you're presenting a member of your team uh showing their face demonstrating
being the face of that product and that gives an arena for communication to
happen that might not happen in a demo experience experience where somebody is taking the Reigns and doing something on
their own of course there's going to be data um you know telary and other kinds of things that you can get from somebody
navigating a demo experience on their own there's lots of information you can gleam from that but you don't
necessarily know why like what's the why behind why they're even looking at your
product and I find that those uh questions if you can get more and more
curious about that end up fueling everything else that you're doing in
terms of product development and support and marketing because you get a better understanding of who it is you're
actually speaking to and have a face to put to that um you know and it can be challenging when you have a big audience
it feels daunting you don't want to necessarily open yourself up to talking to everybody but even the conversations
you can have are full of insight that's one person that represents many I assure
you yeah I think that's a really good point it's all about putting a face to
the customer from your perspective and the company from their perspective you become real people providing a digital
product and we all work um from all over the place and we don't tend to meet customers in person of course in this
industry so I think it's a really important topic because it's a way to bridge that Gap in a more kind of human
personto person way even we're not going to meet in person and it's also it's a
sales channel that a lot of us don't think about I know you and I Amanda have emailed recently because I was starting
to think about it for the first time after seven years of selling plugins Suddenly It's like hang on we maybe we
could really improve our relationships with customers and increase our sales by doing some sort of pre-sales opportunity
for them to ask questions and things like that and either whether it's a call we should probably differentiate that
later in this discussion actually calls versus webinars because they're two different things so I just started
thinking through the options um so I think that's really important for product companies to think about because
it may never have occurred to them so on that note
sorry oh I was I was just gonna say like I think it's interesting because a lot of product companies have come out of
agencies and we maybe were used to doing sales calls for our agency work and but
then I don't know why there's this disconnect where we're not like we don't think about doing it maybe because we're just so sick of doing them and so we're
like that's why we created a product so we don't have to do it right but I think like today maybe we can push back on
that a little bit and shift people back into that mindset of thinking about the sales of your product sort of similar to
maybe you thought about the sales of your services back in the day that's a good point yeah absolutely
because it really like it's all comes down to who are you serving and if you're not really close to that why and
who you know you might have in your mind of who you think you're serving and what
their needs are what their problems are but until you actually talk to them you
might be surprised by what their actual needs are um oftentimes you might just
find validation of like yeah we're on the right track like the road road map looks like we're going in the right
direction of what these customers are actually asking for but I often am surprised by what the actual need are of
our customers yeah well let's move on to the
story time section um where you go first Amanda can you talk more about your
experience um in more detail of pre-sales calls and webinars and the on
the brands that you've worked for absolutely I'd love to uh so I
started uh with givewp I was a customer success manager for a few years and
that's where I really got my experience in working with pre-sales and uh just being face Toof face with customers and
you know this was uh oh five years ago uh four or five years ago um so it was
pretty like foreign to say that hey we're gonna jump on Zoom with our customers like people were like what
you're gonna do what um so especially from the pre-sale context you know we weren't sure what that was going to look
like if we were going to be flooded with inquiries or if it was going to be a slow Trickle and it kind of was somewhere in between where it it really
started off like we had to present ourselves to our customers to say like Hey we're here like after they purchase
or even in the pre-sales arena um you know they're reaching out in the contact box and we're not quite understanding
what it is that they're asking in their in their inquiry you know like they have lots of questions like maybe especially
those people that write in an essay saying like I want to deal with this this this this this and like having like all these different feature requests but
like what's the why like what do they actually want to do at the end of the day so we started finding those
opportunities and opening it up on the website to allow people to book a demo with uh it was with me at first and then
our team uh eventually grew to have more availability more time slots and um
those early experiences were so rewarding because it seemed that I was able to find these like pockets of like
meeting people at the right time uh to be able to not only allow me to
understand the product more and how we can meet the needs of our customers because I'm having this like real time
engagement relationship with these folks on the other side of Zoom but also for them they were like wow I'm so glad I
got your email it was right when I was trying to make a decision on this I only spend 10 minutes a day looking at this
because I'm a volunteer for my nonprofit and I have to make a decision quickly and I'm so glad that you reached out so
that we can have this conversation and there were so many like serendipitous moments like that that really like
fueled the interactions um and I I feel that th that closeness really did help us to
learn how we can bring a personal touch into these interactions even on a more broad scale to develop that relationship
so that every time they renew they're like oh I had that conversation with Amanda or with Amy or with Dela and and
I am so happy to renew this product because I had such a good
experience amazing yeah so it really you they actually remember even a year later
at renewal time so that is really great for retention as retention as well as the
sales so do you want well I was gonna ask a a follow-up
question could you describe a little bit for people what these what those calls look like how long are they are you have
you prescripted out a specific we're going to show them this this and this or is it very like hey we get on what are
your questions and then I might share my screen as I answer them like could yeah how do you handle those at give yeah
great question so uh with give our audience in particular we are fortunate to be able to spend half an hour with
these pre-sale conversations that book on our calendar because we are not experiencing um in overflow like where
our team wouldn't have time for anything else like we're able to kind of reel it in and especially when we first got
started we were just opening up the floodgates to let it happen and we had quite a few of those 30 minute backtack
and then you know it's evolved over the years and we've found other ways to make that connection with customers and to
make improvements throughout this whole experience but uh to answer your question that 30 minutes that we do a
lot for whoever we're engaging with from a pre-sale context does have a script in
mind though it does tend to be more organic after the introduction you know the introduction is so important because
it sets the boundary and it holds the container for the time that you're going to be spending with this person um
because you want to make sure that your expectations are heard right up front because I've experienced we've all
experienced where our time can be taken for granted and we don't want to take our customers time for granted either so
we're reciprocating that that expectation saying I respect your time you respect my time we're we have 30
minutes to talk today here's what we're going to cover but we're really here to answer your questions so I'm more
interested in hearing from you and what you need and it kind of just snowballs from there I do have slides that we use
to kind of show uh the key features of the product especially to somebody that is completely brand new that's just
trying to learn like what this product is I think that can be helpful but it's
also something I don't want to eat too much time like two to three minutes on that ideally plus inter uh introductions
for a total of like five minutes in the beginning is plenty have you experimented with group
calls or webinars or something where you're talking to customers in on mass or have you always focused on the oneto
ones we've done both so the Ono ones is how we started and then we started
introducing a group a group demo um so the group demo would be presented a
couple times a week uh at different time zones to allow for people to join around the world when they're able to uh and
the group demos are a smaller group um usually we would see between like to 10
people joining that and that would be definitely more scripted more intended
to serve like who's there as a as a whole broad questions usually and then
if somebody needs more of that handholding like I have a really specific use case we'd encourage them
for more of a one-on-one so I'm I'm curious and I'll talk a little bit more about what we do
when we do my story time but one of the things we've debated is right now if someone want wants like an
individualized call they have to fill out a form there's not like a go book A Time right here like because my partner
Chris who does all of those he gets nervous and he's like what if my calendar just fills up with these and
this is all I'm doing so do you have any like almost like metrics on okay if we
look at our Google analytics we know that we have like 2% of our website traffic actually you know like like how
would somebody if you were starting to think about this how would you figure out what to expect
as far as Demand on like how many people actually schedule those versus people
that see it on your website but never take advantage sure I think it takes a
lot of experimentation honestly and it depends on the customer base right if you have a lot of questions coming into
your pre-sale inbox that are a lot of the same questions then there's lots of things that you can do to improve that
experience to get their answers met um before before they even need to book a call right um and even on the calls that
you're having you can provide a demo where they can see a live demo a recorded demo um or join a webinar um to
answer some of those questions before needing to get to a one-on-one um as we've evolved and especially as our team
has grown and our Audi audience base has grown and as I've been trying to implement this across all of our other
brands this is a one-on-one opening up to all of the customers is or all of the
pre-sales is not necessary like the goal what my goal is is to find those
opportunities that are going to be most fruitful so the pre-sales that are reaching out that are looking at
competitors that are very clearly uh a common use case and they're having some trouble understanding the value um
there's lots of cues that can be looked out for in a ticket uh in a an initial ticket that would present like hey I
think this might be a good opportunity for a call or like you said having somebody submit a form so that they're
already interested they're demonstrating that they're putting in time and energy investing in researching your product
before jumping on that one onone um because I I agree I think your calendar can get booked up with the same
conversation back to back and that's not what you want um I think that was a necessary learning experience that we
had at give to get to the point where we're at now and it was kind of like learning what the customer is
interpreting to make improvements along the way yeah I think that's so so the way
we've been handling it is um the sales calls my partner Christa as I mentioned
um you submit a form and then he kind of filters right he tries to respond with
them via email first and the goal really for him to have a sales call with
someone we're looking at people that want either a 25 Side license or a
license that is we do Enterprise licensing we don't have unlimited so we'll do like anything that's custom
more than 25 sites um if they want less than that typically he tries not to have a call with them because he's like I
just want to answer their questions because I think there's a little bit of a value there where we're trying to figure out what is the the pricing that
the price point of what we're selling the product for where it makes sense to spend 30 minutes or an hour plus on the
call um and then and basically for those and I don't know if you can share any of
these numbers but it's been interesting because I asked him today if he had like a thought from from this year like what
our conversion rate looked like and he said that when he has calls with people
who want that level of license which they're usually either agencies for us or like higher ed um sometimes really
large businesses about 30% of them will purchase right away like after the call
same day or the next day and then the other ones can take longer so it's not
that they don't purchase or they say say no but sometimes with the the price point that we start to get at which for
us it's over 18 it's 1,800 plus and it could be much more since we don't have unlimited sites he said that he was
seeing like some sometimes it's a couple of months and he has to do multiple sales calls with um multiple demos for
multiple stakeholders but then but then the turnaround that we've seen on some of those is that there's like a lot of
lock in at those companies so they're not going to change so it's not just putting that investment in for one year the the assumption is is those people
will renew but I don't have you seen anything with like what conversion rates
look like off yours yeah I can speak to give most because uh with the some of
the other brands we're Mo mostly focusing on one-on-one calls for uh customer interviews um we're kind of
like positioning those one-onone calls to be more like the value ad of like how is this customer using the product and
how can we earn their renewal um to make sure that we're listening in all those things uh for for give and the pre-sale
Arena which we are still doing those one-on-one demos we're typically waiver between like a 30 to 40% conversion rate
for those folks um and it really does depend on the month and depending the
the volume that we're seeing um so yeah I I think 30 to 40% is typically where
we're where we're hovering and feel better about our numbers because I was like man is that too
low nice to hear from someone else when we had a bigger influx of them every
week we were seeing more of like that 50 even 60% um but that was like when we
were seeing more of that volume and right now we're we're really reeling it in and like uh they're they're timec
consuming these calls oneon-one pre-sales are very timec consuming so we have been more focusing on what the
webinar experience looks like and the group demo experience um and being able
to just kind of uh polish our whole pre-sale funnel from a marketing perspective given all the years of
insights that we've had talking to customers yeah yeah that was the last piece that I had for my story time and I
could share that and then maybe you could share your experience Katie but um we yeah we we do webinars a lot but
they're not really sales webinars but we decided the like I just decided the week before or two weeks before Black Friday
I was like we need to do one the week before Black Friday because I was like let's see what we can do um and so that
experiment was here's how that turned out for us we got 157 people who
registered 84 people attended um almost all of them were already on our email
list when I looked at Zoom to see how they came in they came in for one of the multiple emails that they got um or
there were a couple we promoted it in um we sponsor a newsletter and so the week
before we promoted sponsored content in that newsletter so they came out of there but almost everyone was already people on our email list um and then
of those 157 there were 11 purchases So currently it's about a 7% conversion
rate I don't know I'm hoping that there's our Black Friday sell inss tomorrow so I'm like hoping there'll be more um one purchased the same day but
then seven purchased since then so it was kind of interesting like I went and looked and I was like I don't know if this is low it feels like a low
conversion rate but at the same time if you're talking to like that many people all at once it was an hour to get 11
purchases verse Maybe you know 30 minutes to get two or something so
totally totally yeah and uh learn Dash does a meet learn Dash webinar um every
two weeks and uh we've just been starting to track like conversions there and I'm seeing like around 177%
conversion right there and that's like a big audience like there could be like 1 150 people um watching that that webinar
so um I think you know the webinars is a much different experience than that one:
one that one: one you have a higher usually typical higher experience of conversion because you're making that
connection and if it's the right fit that right fit is being communicated right away because you're personalizing your approach to that person's needs um
but the webinar gets a little trickier to do that but I think it's still that personal connection and people can
present questions that can be answered in real time so it seems like we also just go
attend a learn Dash webinar and see what their format is K your experience with uh pre
pre-sales calls and webinars well this is really great timing for me because in
the last month actually in the last three weeks we've done our first two pre-sales um live streams I've been
calling them um so we analyzed different ways to do it and I talked to helpful
people like Amanda about the options and we decided that because of the nature of
our customers and products we should go for a more group setting that's largely
because unlike Amber we don't necessarily know we don't know how much
the customer is likely to spend our products are typically relatively low value um up to about
$129 but most are cheaper than that and the vast vast majority of our customers
spend fairly low amounts like single sight licenses that kind of thing and we
thought well we'd like to do pre-sales for the more valuable customers but we don't have a way to identify what
license option they're intending to buy when they send a pre-sales inquiry so we went down the group rout instead and we
watched other people's webinars that they' done like lifter LMS do a lot and we looked at their format and talk to
them about how they promote them and things so we did our first one on the 17th of November which was the first day
of our sale and we promoted it in various ways like on the top of our website to the email list that kind of
thing um there was two of us because we thought the kind of conversational format would work so it was my video my
YouTuber and myself and it went amazingly I couldn't believe it um I was
we've done lots of preparation what happens if nobody asks any questions so we thought right we'll demo some
products and we got a support to tell us what are the most common questions so we could sort of pretend that we'd had
questions but actually there were loads we had had 50 people register beforehand
and a lot of them pre-submitted questions so we could prepare answers and demos for them and things like that
and structure it a bit but there were loads asking live questions which I completely did not expect to happen so
it was a bit kind of chaotic in a nice way because we were like oh which comment should we do and trying to
multitask while doing this webinar these new quite complex often queries would
come in but it was a really interesting experience because I'd had a lot of doubts beforehand mainly because we are
a multi-product company we have 23 plugins at the moment most of which are
woocommerce but not exclusively so we don't particularly specialize and so I
was thinking why would anybody want to watch a live stream about products they're not interested in just to wait
for the one that they are interested in to come up and we tried to mitigate that by doing an introduction to each product
so if there was a question about a particular plug-in then we would go on the demo site first and demonstrate the
plug-in to everybody and explain what it does at a high level so we kind of used
it as an opportunity to introduce our products to more customers who may not have been considering that one but it
was interesting what you just said Amber about looking at the sales because I haven't done that yet and it would be a
bit of a manual task but I'm going to do that look at whoe registered and whether they made a purchase because I haven't
done that work yet and then yeah I did I did that today it was super it was super manual like I when exported from zoom
and then I pulled up everyone who had bought an Ed and
I and I marked I like went through and I just searched on my spreadsheet like for
their last name I mean what I could be slightly off because that is one thing I've noticed with like uh larger license
purchases at least for us is I only looked for their name and sometimes the
person who comes or who gets interested in our plugin is not actually the buyer
which I bet is the same for give at nonprofits like they might have a developer or someone who's like you
should buy this but then like it's like the accounting department person who actually goes and purchases it and so I
yeah yeah yeah so I mean like that's a thing that's a little bit harder to track I think if the person who attended and
made the buying decision isn't actually the one who create completed the checkout totally we have a thanks to
Matt Cromwell we have a wonderful spreadsheet that does an automatic lookup um as purchases are coming in to
see if they've registered for a oneon-one or a demo um group demo um so
it matches a in a spreadsheet for us already to say like hey this person purchased and they registered like
that's treated as a conversion so really handy but then I do have my uh my customer success managers looking
through and saying like Okay is this the same person like uh when we're seeing
people that registered that we know purchased that we're having a conversation with but we don't see them on the sheet it just takes that
awareness but um it certainly is that manual effort for sure okay that's really cool I feel like
we all need to follow up with Matt now yeah tell us how your spreadsheet works
we'll make you something we need a comment
yeah so what else were you GNA say Katie I think I might have interrupted you a little bit oh and then we did our second
live stream on Cyber Monday so that was two days ago and it was good but it
wasn't as busy as the previous one so I think you might have been right doing one before Black Friday um I thought
Cyber Monday intuitively would have been busier but actually it was the other way
around so maybe people were pre- researching or maybe just there was a lot of pent up demand because we'd never
done one before so people were curious uh so I think now we're going to do one a month um starting in January because
there's no point in December and and then just keep learning and improving from there so yeah that is a goal we also set
next year we had had it as a goal for this year and it just didn't happen yeah I sometimes you get hung up on like we
we said okay okay we wanted to do and we identified four different audiences and we were like let's just come up with uh
what we were thinking about was like two to four different webinars that we could repeat and we were planning to do two a
month that are just like sales webinars anyone can register for them and they're the same thing that we just repeat
throughout the year but targeted to different audiences and then we got really hung up on like okay we have to
create the slides and we have to like write a script and all this stuff and so it never happened and then right for
Black Friday I was just like we should just have a webinar and we should demo the plugin I'm like that morning I kind
of made like two slides but they were screenshots from our website like no one wants a whole presentation do they yeah
and and then we just got on and we have like a a website that we use internally when we do demos and I just like showed
how to do some stuff on it um and I mean I I think we got good feedback and I
mean people did buy afterwards but I I you know I think like I got too much in my head about it has to be perfect and
probably what matters more is just doing it absolutely absolutely and I wanted to
speak to the the group demo experience a little bit and like what happens after that because you'll have the transcript
of all of the comments and all the questions maybe that you didn't get to um live and that happens at learn Dash
uh quite a bit we get so many questions in the in the chat especially for folks that are brand new coming into the
product deciding if it's right for them and uh our customer success manager chany she will go through each of those
questions write up a response to them and then send out an email to all attendees with a list of questions and
answers um and I think that extra followup is really valuable because not only does it show the attendees that
you're actively listening to everybody that posed the question uh but you're also giving the um person that's doing
that on your team an opportunity to really get into the feedback of like what is the general consensus of the
people that attended this webinar like what are the pain points what's the confusion what what things can we do on
our sales pages to improve our documentation how can we uh submit some feature requests or anything that might
might be going on yeah you know actually what's interesting about that when I was looking at my numbers this morning um so
we did do a follow-up we didn't we were able to get to all of our questions we didn't have as many so we we didn't
include that but I did send an email out to everyone who had registered with like the webinar on demand link on Zoom so
they could go watch the recording and actually more of the people who purchased were people who did not attend
so they had registered Haven done this and then they did not show up and and originally I was like I'll just send it
I don't want to spam people who didn't come or whatever right but then but then I was like no maybe like they knew they
could couldn't come but they wanted the recording so I sent it out to all of them and it's interesting because we actually had more purchases from people
who watched the recording later than attended live um so I think like you're right that followup to people and not
just people who attended but everyone is really important nice I've written that down I'll do that
tomorrow yeah so we have a question um so Matt made a comment about his love
for spreadsheets and um also he's got a question for Amanda I'd
love to hear about Amanda's 30 minute fundraising audits to postp purchase webinars are so helpful
too yes yes so this is specific to givewp uh so we offer a 30 minute
fundraising audit uh for folks that purchase a Pro Plan or agency plan so it is geared towards the higher tier plans
where they're investing you know $4.99 to 5.99 for their plan for the year uh
and these customers benefit from this audit to be able to take advantage of this one-on-one call that is after
they've purchased we typically send out our emails for this audit um three
months after they've made a purchase is like when we really start to let them know that this would be a good
opportunity to take advantage of it we let them know in the beginning that it's there because it's a value ad to their
purchase but the most people um benefit is when they're further into using the
product and they have some real um actionable insight for us as well as we
have for them uh because they've already implemented some forums and they might be looking at ways to optimize their
fundraising experience and we can provide them uh with ways to optimize
the way that donors flow on their websites um from our experience and
working with other customers that are doing um similar work in the similar Industries so we provide lots of
customer examples and um uh some strategies for improving story uh for
the messaging that they're putting on their donation page even the positioning of Their donation button sometimes
people hide their donation button and it's really hard to find in their main navigation or somewhere on their website
um so we help them kind of like sort through all of these like key strategies
and especially for folks that are managing a a nonprofit um website that
have very limited time limited resources they really find Value in this because they can get a lot of improve
improvements in a short period of time and go make those changes and see real real
changes yeah we we do something similar although it's much closer to the
purchase Point usually um where at the our top two tiers it includes a 30
minute accessibility strategy call um so and it's interesting because a lot of
times it's not really about how to use the plug-in sometimes people ask questions about like things they've seen
in the Plugin or that but a lot of times they're asking other broader things sort of like yours like it's not like how do
I connect stripe I can't figure it out it's like how do I get the most out of it and that's what like going back to
those pre-sales webinars that's one of the things we've been talking about with our goals for next year with these
webinars is trying to come up with um not necessarily just how to literally
use the product but talking to people about how they can use the product
strategically if that makes sense like building service like in the case of agencies like building accessibility
services around our product um or using it to grow recurring revenue or those
sorts of things and so I think like that's where having those face-to-face conversations like circling back to
Wordpress productors don't always frequently do this you start to hear like where are the pain points for
people or even the few people we've had cancel this year when we follow up with them like sometimes they've said well I
bought it last year and I was hoping I could figure out how to sell accessibility more and I couldn't and so
now I'm not right and we're like oh okay so we need to literally teach people how
to get their clients to pay them to pay us right so so it's it's kind of
interesting and I don't know if either of you have thought about that along the same way like the the pre-sales webinars
are not always necessarily a literal demo of the
totally totally it ends up yeah that's why I like leaving the uh script pretty
opened like having that initial container but then like really like having the conversation be led by the
questions that the pre-sale is coming to you with uh because then it kind of changes the tone and like any
expectations you might have had uh kind of goes out the window as they're presenting their story their use case
and you can kind of get in touch with all right what is it that they actually are asking what is their actual problem
that they're trying to solve and how does our product fit into that in a way
that is honest and transparent and like you don't need all these 50 workarounds
to make this happen no like it can do this it doesn't do this but that's a great feedback you know what I mean like
pre-sale calls just present this awesome opportunity for being super transparent about like hey our audience is typically
like going to do this with our product sounds like you're looking to do that you know and just being really like
straight up with them up from the from the uh front of it yeah I find that the
generally the pre-sales need is not that they necessarily want a demo of the product they want to know how it was
going to meet their very specific requirements and even if your product
can't do it very often if you're experiened um and this says a lot about the person doing the calls you can
signpost them to maybe a complimentary product so yes they can use your plugin
for 80% of the functionality and they can use it with this other plugin for the rest which you've tested with and
that kind of thing so hopefully you can still meet their needs in a positive way um instead of like just trying to put a
square peg in a round hole and it's not going to work which is always a problem
so but I love the way you both have such specific audiences um so with give it's
the charity people so you know that increasing the um donations and fundraising is a real priority for them
and with Amber it's the accessibility and that's the priority for them because I don't kind of have that in the same
way people are much more diverse and um I love what you were saying about the
audits that you do for people after the sales and in fact Matt also commented and said how they help make the product
more sticky and they increase renewals and so I've kind of had that challenge for our products how can we show that
extra value and help them with their websites when we don't necessarily know what their priority is so what we do is
at about 11 months so a month before the renewal we offer them a kind of what we
call a plug-in health check where we offer to look at how they're using the plug-in and make recommendations and
this is by email rather than a call at the moment but it's interesting hearing your stories because that must be much
more effective when you know so much about them yeah you know I wonder too though
because I was thinking about this earlier when you were saying you haven't done a lot of the onetoone pre-sales
because you have a hard time knowing if they're just going to buy the single site or like a a multi-site license or a
more expensive license and I wonder if there's a way that you can I'm very into
like data right like if you have someone's domain which you have from their email address um there's some crms
that could that do this or you could even like cross reference like data from somewhere else to try and see like with
some businesses you can actually get what it thinks their annual revenue is like what range it's in and and maybe
from their domain alone you could sort of assess if this is an e-commerce store
or like maybe the number of products like asking them how many products are in your store and somebody who
identifies that they have you know 500 or a thousand plus products
well that right there is somebody who's probably going to invest more in plugins and somebody who has
five that's really interesting you know what we could do is look at the Domain
to identify are they a website owner or are they a developer aent agency because
we've our customers are about 5050 between the two but our high value customers the vast majority of course
are building multi multiple websites and coming back for multiple projects so we could easily see if they're like um
something design or something in their domain it's fairly obvious isn't it so yeah that that's an interesting idea
yeah we have rules in our CRM where um we do ask people in certain instances to
identify themselves and we'll ask like government Education Agency like those sorts of things um but we also have
automated rules where if they come in Via a different way if they've got like a dog or doedu right like we can tag
their industry pretty quickly off that but I feel like if you added a you know
a question right like are you an agency owner right or do you work at an agency or something like that might even help
you so you don't have to do all of the manual work if you know um especially if you had it on a
form like the pre-sales questions form and then you know okay these are the people that we want to get on a call
with and you could screen them with that one question you know yeah and you could do it under the guise of asking them um
like what is their level of technical knowledge because that is relevant to pre-sales isn't it if they're a
developer you're going ideally you would answer in a different way to if there's a hobbyist designing their first web
press site yeah absolutely I love that and
being able to track that as you're having conversations too I love my spreadsheets as well as Matt and being
able to see like who you're talking to and just being able to have that report to say like a number of uh you know the
actual we we have a good healthy split at give as well like agency folks as well as nonprofits it's kind of a a
middle split um but that is also a validated assumption um through these
conversations that we've had with folks that we're actually able to validate yes these are who our customers are that
we're actually talking to and getting some insights from and it's very different what those insights look
like so we're about at the end of our our time so I think it'd be good to
transition into what our best advice is for new product owners people who have
not done pre-sales calls and webinars um Amanda do you want to start off what's
your advice for people who are starting to think about doing these sure so given
everything we've talked about today I think the most important thing to consider or just to hold close is your
why staying close to your why uh and and the who you're serving um your who
you're what you're why the reason why you're showing up to work each day you
know and the best way to stay close to that why in my opinion is to have these
conversations whatever way that is showing up for you whether it is actively listening even just in emails
and tickets and taking the extra steps to make sure that you've got a really good feedback loop in process in in
place uh taking the step towards uh one-on-one calls whether that looks like a pre-sale
Arena on a very selective basis or uh after purchase and these customer
interviews um or audits um just opening up opportunities giving your team the uh
empowerment to say like hey this person would be a really good person to talk to um maybe not even opening up the
floodgates but just having opportunities like that and opening up your calendar for those opportunities at least a
couple times a week is really beneficial because then you know that you're staying close and you're staying in the
active listening mode excellent yeah I think my best
advice would be to think from your customers perspective your potential customer what would help them to get the
best possible introduction to your product and maximize the chances of buying it and finding success with it so
that they remain with you and hopefully something good will come of that which may be individual calls it may be group
calls of course that does need to be balanced against the needs and capacity of your business as well so think about
what's realistic what your customer needs and then try and come up with something but overall it's definitely
something that's worth thinking about there a lots of product owners just don't yeah I think my my best advice is
kind of going back to what I was saying about how we hadn't done a webinar because I just kept thinking it had to
be perfect and so I'm I'm a little bit like just try it once don't you don't have to plan a ton assumingly you have a
website that shows your product right you can just get on and do that and then go from there and see how it goes tweak
if needed and try it again um so I think my best advice is just go for
it excellent well before we finish let's give some positive feedback for Amanda
uh Amanda is such a pro I learned so much from her thanks for sharing with us today Amanda absolutely so that's from
again and um well that's a wrap and thank you for joining us next week we're
going to discuss podcasting as a marketing tool for product businesses with special guest Matt mados although
I'm told we're not allowed to call him Matt because there are too many mats around so we'll see how that
goes yep and of course special thanks to post status for being our green room if
you enjoy these shows do us a favor hit like and subscribe on YouTube share it
with your friends if you have an email newsletter and you want to link to episodes in your email newsletter or share them on social media we very much
appreciate that uh and most of all we hope to see you here next week bye

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