0:22 [Music] 0:31 thank you 0:39 hi this is WP product cook the place where every week we interview an experienced WordPress product person on 0:46 strategies tips experiences failures and successes of running successful and 0:51 thriving WordPress product businesses I'm Katie Keith CEO at Bantu plugins 0:57 and I'm Matt Cromwell at uh give WB and now senior director of customer experience at Stellar WP today's topic 1:05 is building strong Bridges the importance of Partnerships in the wp product business space 1:12 I love this topic because it's something that is always relevant to Wordpress product companies however it's even more 1:19 relevant this week for those of us who attended word Camp Europe which was last week we met loads of incredible people 1:26 and now it's time to follow up and consolidate those Partnerships that we discussed there 1:32 absolutely and to talk with us today about this we have a special guest from 1:38 a brand that you probably have heard of called buddy boss uh Francisco up I'm going to say the last name wrong I'm 1:44 gonna let him introduce himself thanks for being here hello hello okay 1:51 thank you for having me today I'm really excited this is uh this is my world Partnerships relationships so I'm really 1:58 happy to to share my take on this yes uh you I should share a bit of my 2:06 background so people get to know me is that okay yeah well I'm originally from Chile Latin America I have been living 2:12 almost seven years in the UK now uh I still trying to get there with my 2:17 English but we can survive then in the kind of work side of things 2:24 uh I have been in the WordPress ecosystem running first a digital agency 2:29 Latin America so I have built myself probably 100 plus websites and then the 2:37 last seven years are having more in the kind of side of like leadership you know 2:43 side of things with the marketing teams helping companies with growth uh for 2:48 instance uh a few big you know big achievements where my time as a marketing director at bodyboss 2:55 no so I helped them to scale from 40 team members up to 150 when I left so 3:02 the monthly recurring Revenue grew like almost 12x during my my leadership in 3:09 the marketing team then I also contributed in not the same way but with 3:16 increased the revenue for wishlist member before they get they got acquired like a year ago I think that something 3:23 happened again with them recently but in that first one I was uh you know helping them also as marketing director with 3:29 initiatives and that involves lots of building relationships um either technical Partnerships or 3:36 commercial Partnerships so and then now these days I am morning 3:41 like fractional consultancy side of things for growth you know offering 3:46 other SAS companies and also workers companies help with the marketing strategy and then on my own side because 3:54 I love so much WordPress I have became my own Creator so now I am running two 3:59 plugins and you can see me liquid pull now very branded liquidfall.com and also 4:05 I own a strike calendar.com that is a Content management looking for for 4:10 WordPress so now let's talk perfect I love it well every week we and 4:18 try to kick it off with just talking about why we think this subject is so important for WordPress product owners uh why are Partnerships in particular so 4:26 important um Katie do you want to kick us off yep well at 4:33 WMC EU where Camp Europe last week I watched a panel about people talking 4:39 about Partnerships and they said several times actually that with Partnerships two plus two equals more than four 4:46 that's the principle that people seem to follow and while being logically impossible this basically means that 4:53 when you work with other WordPress companies you can both benefit and both grow your businesses in ways that 4:59 wouldn't be possible if you're working separately in isolation but for me it's not always obvious where to find the 5:06 right Partnerships and work out things like how can both parties benefit from a partnership so that it's worth their 5:12 while and also one for me is what happens when one company is a lot bigger 5:18 and more successful than the other how can you still work together and make it worth everybody's while yeah no 5:24 absolutely those are good points I love that analogy in general I love it for teams but it makes sense for 5:29 Partnerships too um so we're one another way we say it is we are more than the 5:34 sum of our parts like I think that's a a really good analogy for this 5:39 um Francisco what's your take why is this so important for WordPress product owners to uh to consider and do 5:46 Partnerships uh I'll just like take a post here and go back on the beginnings on why no why 5:54 companies these days are recurring to to run go to network strategies or Partnerships instead of going via 6:02 regular channels no like for instance if we think about what what companies can 6:08 do today even small companies let's say hey you need to run ads hey this is the way to grow this is the way to raise 6:13 awareness about your product or what you are building but the paid acquisition like media buying is getting expensive 6:20 more and more every day and the Big Challenge especially on the marketing side of things when you try to nail the 6:27 attribution of you know those channels no okay but where people was Touch first oh we touched them first on Facebook but 6:34 they converted after clicking a banner on Google display in the end you are not clear exactly which of those challenges 6:40 is really generate in the conversion you only can track the last one likely no so that is a big Challenge on when you are 6:47 kind of using money not to try to measure okay or people coming from Google has an LTV of this and that or 6:55 people coming from Facebook and the LTV is this and that and then the cost per acquisition so lots of kind of math you 7:02 know is involved in trying to figure out the best way on top of the resources itself just to run you know pay the 7:08 acquisition you need someone who knows Google you need someone who who knows social and also the budget that let's 7:14 say maybe you know like companies that well established like you know a stellar or Bantu and maybe have now you know a 7:21 position where their budget is available but for even small startups even like my small plugin in this case liquid pull we 7:27 are just we we have right now let's say 150 paying customers so it's not like a huge budget no the plugins I'll say a 7:35 small amount so there are a lot of challenges related to the budget and investment required to run paid 7:40 acquisition that's the first reason I feel companies should consider seriously go 7:45 for Partnerships the second reason is uh no like SEO the SEO is amazing but it's 7:53 a long-term game even though you know you can use the amazing tools that we have at hand today like charge gbt and 8:00 any other Jasper and so many more tools available to write fast or to 8:05 simplify the flow or to speed the flow that's still a challenge like because your content will be there but it will 8:13 take some time to reach the first page if it's not on the first page it doesn't exist because people will not see it 8:19 anyway you know so if you can invest also resources not allocating people to write content but even if you find the 8:26 right gaps in the keyword game that will take time to reach the right people when 8:32 do the search so those two things even though are strong no media channels or acquisition 8:39 channels these days that are kind of grow slow in slowing grow channels 8:46 that's how I feel those channels are instead when you when you aim you know 8:51 to build relationships with other companies with other influencers and the results can come to you faster way 8:58 faster let's say hey no let's try to create an educational webinar on how to 9:04 optimize the checkout page as simple as that now let's say for just like alludina examples from Katie you know 9:11 like Katie has amazing products for woocommerce and one of them let's say fast card now you can like simplify the 9:16 flow and remove the friction 10x from the checkout flow let's now run out 9:21 together a webinar where we can do this and that so yeah when you get that you know you have educational content people 9:28 first will be interested in to learn that they will join for free you don't need to pay for the emails right because 9:35 they want to learn how can I sell more how can I deliver better experience to my buyers when they are visiting my site 9:41 so yeah when you have all that together and you can have value to offer no like 9:48 audiences like your potential customers and also you know like the potential audience of of your partner let's say so 9:57 there are many parts as part of the partnership but I would say that the results can come way faster the 10:03 investment in the partnership itself is also way lower because most of them are writing a a an article on each company's 10:12 blog or run an event together where we do overlap you know let's say one event for us this time maybe in the next 10:18 quarter one event for you so I mean there are many combinations of Partnerships no in regards to the 10:24 offering something to the end user let's say content or webinar or a live event 10:29 on a workshop and then the other side no let's say you want to build Partnerships 10:35 for technical Partnerships let's say for instance I experienced that I'm not sure 10:40 if I need to post in some time but I just got so many ideas that I want to share but one one one more one more to 10:47 try to wrap up this like this this uh step is for instance when we launch in 10:54 2000 2017 the body was platform you know that no probably you are aware it was a 11:00 fork of body press within 100 000 tweaks we refine and clean the applying Etc but 11:05 in that time there were no other plugins in the market compatible with the valuables platform so yeah it was like a 11:13 you know silent plug-in and no one could kind of inject anything but my my work 11:18 was reach out to all and other workers companies in the ecosystem and we end up 11:25 with 25 companies building native Integrations for the valuables platform member press wishes member we got a WP 11:33 Fusion not with this amazing Jack and then for instance we got directory 11:38 plugins and building the same and we got even a fewcomers no plugins also learn 11:45 Dash uh Etc like the whole ecosystem worked was shaped up and they say oh 11:51 body was is it has 60 000 users and they 11:57 are willing to pay because their product is not cheap nobody was entry level was is still 228. so like the audience is 12:05 already kind of in the premium level so developers and other companies notice that they say hey this audience has the 12:12 money because they are successful building courses and stuff so they committed to help us and we built a 12:19 whole Integrations directory featuring all of them no and we are bringing sales for them because they contributed and 12:27 help us build an ecosystem delivering more features for our own people nice so I would say that has no value like the 12:35 value for everyone was huge like WP Fusion even later committed to deliver 12:41 develop a deeper integration with the body was a product that came two years later 12:46 and things keep keep going and keep going you know just to share a bit of this in in this in this section for sure 12:53 yeah why is it important yeah now that's interesting though because you've by can 12:59 by by linking it with other types of marketing paid acquisition is expensive and organic SEO takes time while being 13:07 free if you do the work yourself and have the skills partnership you can do quickly and it's free apart from your 13:14 time um ideally I'd say I'd like to do all three um for the best results but that's a 13:20 really good way of looking at the value of partnership and you've covered a huge breadth of the different types of 13:26 Partnerships that you can do as well absolutely right for me that's the the Crux of it is a little bit of what you 13:32 touched on there Francesco that uh the bottom line is that it's a way to extend your natural audience like uh give WP 13:40 has a specific audience that is attracted to give WV we can reach like if we do all the paid ads we want to do 13:47 we do all the email we want to do we do all the blogging we want to do we're going to reach this one audience but as 13:52 soon as we actually partner with yoast or anybody else we're going to get 13:58 exposed into their natural audience and that's an audience that honestly from all of our own native uh efforts we're 14:06 not going to really plug into that really easily of course there's tons of overlap between like somebody like yoast 14:13 and and give but that gives us the ability to to extend our our reach uh 14:19 much more further for sure um and honestly like when it comes to uh 14:25 Partnerships I think the WordPress community and the WordPress ecosystem is so easy everyone loves to be able to 14:31 collaborate and work together um so in many ways it's like it's one of those things where you're not really a 14:37 WordPress business unless you're collaborating with somebody else in WordPress yeah um I have I have one thought in one idea 14:45 that you know updated questions that Katie bring not to attention is what 14:50 what we should do when our company is the small one or embarrassed when you know like a new player is coming and 14:56 he's asking for some help now I I I have believed that myself in both sides 15:02 working for become with big WordPress companies I was like kind of hey we are the coolest in the market and we can 15:08 bring you like very premium people to your plugin if you will commit to develop an integration no so I I leave 15:15 that and then now I am in the other side with my own stuff because I am the small one now no and then what happened is no 15:22 when when you are the big company and you are you know maybe someone engaged 15:28 with you trying to get your help no um I think that how the big companies 15:33 should see this is like kind of in uh let's say non-profit way in a kind of 15:40 mission driven mission-driven approach like you are kind of now contributing to 15:46 the ecosystem yeah helping this small one of course you need to always double check or probably 15:53 check that is legit that it's a quality product anyway because even new products 15:58 are high quality anyway and also if that product will will not became a competitor for you someday yeah 16:06 or they probably will evolve to become a competitor someday is that probably I always checked tried to figure out with 16:13 the founders and hey what is this what do you want to do but I think that when you are the big one and a small one came 16:19 to is coming to you you should try to like put yourselves that 10 years ago you were there first yeah no like I mean 16:26 for sure like one one way I thought about it is like why does why would yoast be motivated to collaborate with 16:33 kefwp at all well in many ways it's like I said it's not any different than what I was saying in terms of extending your 16:39 reach yoast of course is applicable to any WordPress website everyone needs SEO 16:45 in one way or another um but give targets a non-profit audience and the non-profit audience is 16:51 a segment of yoast's audience uh so if they want to get deeper into the non-profit sphere in particular then 16:58 collaborating with us is a great way to do that um so even with a larger org like that 17:04 there's real incentives and real reasons why you would want to collaborate with a smaller one uh in terms of audience 17:11 reach I think so yeah I have learned one I have um no worked with an inke from 17:17 Jost like these are her Partnerships manager and she no she shared a few 17:25 insights it's not it's not private information but for instance the repo probably probably just is the most 17:31 active and downloaded plugin on the repo and the the repo itself has a cup 17:37 no in how many installations is showing like it says 5 million plus but the real 17:42 number is 15 million that is not that huge is the number no now the the mind inside that she shares 17:49 is that the world that Jose is doing to be able to build strong Partnerships is 17:55 they are segmenting all their customers so when someone knows iPhone x Niche come to them hey 18:01 let's say I'm building something for Publishers they know exactly which segment of their customers are 18:07 Publishers or which segments are this well which segments are that so they 18:12 know exactly they don't need to spam their whole audience they simply need to do the right move to reach with that 18:18 partner to that specific audience and instead of being spammy this is adding value to their own customers yeah so 18:25 that is something that uh we should really like um think about it for for those that are 18:32 just getting started on Partnerships try to learn the most that you can from your audience so whenever someone comes to 18:38 you you know exactly oh yeah I have around 10 of my audience that will be will love to learn more about your 18:45 product or will we benefit from this and that so you have something concrete to offer as well yeah that is something 18:51 that I learned from her it's amazing it's very good nice yeah I think that's good to think about how the big 18:58 companies can benefit from working with the small companies because of the niches or whatever so I know 19:05 people should do things just for the good of the community but if you're approaching somebody proposing a 19:11 partnership you're likely more likely to be successful if you think of a benefit for them aren't you so I think that's 19:17 really good I think even if they're bigger than you you probably can still help them by 19:22 um targeting one of their um Target audiences or something 19:32 yeah I'm trying to see what happened okay but it's all right I'm glad you're 19:37 still here though um a quick minute and folks if you are on uh YouTube right now watching us uh 19:44 thanks for being here you can uh jump into the chat and give us your input and your feedback we love Jesus your your 19:50 own experiences with Partnerships uh or if you have any questions for Francisco or Katie or I we'd love to answer them 19:58 here live um we throw your name up on the screen and all that kind of fun stuff so uh don't be shy 20:05 um let's jump into story time um we go around the circle and talk about experiences for first-hand 20:10 experiences that we have well the Katie and I have yeah I I am here my video is 20:16 still not loading I'm not sure now now the video's gone completely um yeah it look like it's gone 20:23 yeah um I'm glad you're still here all right um we'll talk with ghost Francisco and 20:29 he's he's here yeah it's like this embodied voice isn't it 20:35 yeah um Francisco what is your what what is a a one really good example or one um 20:42 specific experience that you've had uh that was either good or maybe really bad uh with Partnerships love to hear about 20:48 it yes let me come here give me one second please okay we'll go to Katie then Katie what's 20:56 uh your story um I well with Partnerships it's easy to 21:01 be a bit negative about it by thinking who is that somebody's your competitor if there's a bit of overlap or something 21:08 like that so I thought for story time I'll do working with somebody who most people would see as a very definite 21:14 competitor but is actually the company that I work with the most as you well know Matt 21:20 um so um at Barn to nearly all of our plugins are woocommerce plugins and 21:25 iconic are a woocommerce plug-in company and we do have some direct competition 21:31 between our plugins and iconics um such as we both have woocommerce quick view plugins check out plugins and 21:40 also restaurant ordering plugins um and yet we put that aside and find 21:46 where we don't compete and where we have common audiences so that we can help to 21:51 make each other more successful so I thought uh because of that sort of potential conflict that's quite a good 21:56 one to go through how you can work with people even when they could be viewed as your competitors nice so 22:04 um one example is cross-promoting each other's plugins where they fill a gap 22:09 which isn't met by our own so one example of that is my own restaurant 22:14 ordering plug-in at Barn two does not have the ability for customers to choose 22:20 a delivery slot and so we promote iconic delivery slots plug-in for people to use 22:26 alongside our restaurant ordering plugin so the customer uses our plugin to 22:31 create a food order form and then on the checkout page they use iconics plugin to allow the customer to choose when 22:37 they're going to collect or receive their food order and we have that all through our knowledge base in tutorials 22:44 and also even on our plug-in demo site we've actually included their plugin very clearly labeled that this is 22:51 iconics plugin and we're Affiliates for each other so those use affiliate links 22:56 which is another kind of type of partnership is a financial benefit a 23:02 direct Financial benefit if you are using affiliate links to promote other people's products uh similarly we've 23:09 worked with iconic to do direct Integrations between our plugins for example they did an integration with our 23:16 woocommerce lead time plugin which on the product page it basically displays how long you'll be waiting for the 23:22 product and so they did an integration with their delivery slots plug-in which automatically adds the lead time you add 23:29 to our plugin to the next delivery slot time so that you get like a total 23:34 waiting time and just being like low level Integrations like that where we're not competing we work together on 23:42 we have done a lot of mutual guest hosting so that's writing articles for 23:47 each other's blogs always on areas where we don't compete so for example iconic 23:53 don't do anything about Wholesale stores selling to be sales so there is no 23:59 threat to them in publishing articles on their blog about our wholesale plugin and similarly we don't have any plugins 24:06 available products image thumbnails all the sorts of things they do so we're happy to publish things promoting their 24:13 products and uh the final example I came up with was in Black Friday 2021 the one 24:20 before last where we arranged to email each other's customer list uh with a 24:25 special deal so like we wrote say oh um extra 10 off for all um on all of 24:33 iconics plugins in addition to their usual Black Friday deal and they did the 24:38 same for us so because we are both targeting the same user base which is 24:43 woocommerce store owners looking to optimize and improve their store we literally emailed each other's customers 24:49 and did a reciprocal Arrangement so I think sorry yeah I did not know that and 24:55 that's really clever it didn't actually generate that many sales um because we did track it which is why we didn't do 25:02 it in 2022 but that's why I didn't know it either but it did generate sales just not 25:08 necessarily enough to make it worth the time yeah so those are all things I've done with a company that would be viewed 25:15 as a competitor that's awesome um we have a nice comment here a deal is 25:20 watching uh Partnerships can offer many benefits for WordPress product businesses such as increasing brand 25:27 awareness and credibility by associating with trusted and reputable Partners expanding customer base absolutely 100 25:33 percent that's why we're all here to talk about it um one other real quick one other 25:41 interesting one um when you have good Partnerships you can also kind of band together when like 25:47 crappy things happen like where you also like wrapped up in this um yif uh dmca 25:53 takedown uh situation did you did you get a known notice about that um yeah yeah we were only in the second 26:01 round of um complaints yeah yeah context for everyone is like there 26:07 was a big dmca takedown uh that happened to a lot of folks who offer woocommerce products uh and it seemed as if it was 26:14 from yith uh it turns out yif didn't submit it ever and it's most likely some 26:20 sort of like legal troll doing some things and there's some guesses of food that might be it seemed like it's 26:26 probably some sort of GPL Club but it like it attacked a whole bunch of woocommerce folks and they all kind of 26:31 banded together in the post status slack area and said yeah we got hit too we got hit two we got hit two and everybody 26:37 kind of unified around uh a way to to respond to this uh particular kind of 26:43 trollish attack I thought that was actually kind of fun like seeing everybody together being it wasn't fun 26:49 that it happened it was just fun to see people collaborating and being like oh man this sucks I can't believe this is 26:55 going to to all of us so um that's a big story yeah it was it was interesting so 27:03 um real quick uh on my story time and then we'll get to you Francisco um on the give side 27:09 um stripe and PayPal are a big kind of like official partners and of course a financial incentives are definitely a 27:16 big partnership opportunity uh and we've been partners with stripe on PayPal for a really long time 27:21 um those are a really big deal uh recently I themes uh uh solid WP I think 27:27 um has partnered with patch stack and that's just a natural really easy partnership but what's great about it is 27:33 that I themes is always I theme Security in particular has always been really focused on 27:38 um the approach I would call it is hardening WordPress like they really focus really clearly on making WordPress 27:44 even more secure um like user password type security and 27:50 IP bands and things like that whereas firewall type functionality we've kind of left 27:56 um outside of the scope of it but that's something that patch that they don't like to call it a fire firewall they 28:01 call it virtual patching something the patch deck does really really well so we actually get to with this integration 28:07 we're going to be launching it eventually we get to add a bunch of functionality to our product through a partnership 28:16 um so that one is a really great one that I'm really excited about um and another one the longest standing 28:22 partnership that I know of in the WordPress space is actually Nathan Ingram has been partnering with I themes 28:28 for eight years ongoing now and he has produced a whole giant Trove of video 28:33 content for eye themes over the years um and he's going to be coming along with us more and doing some more things 28:39 with what we're calling solid Academy but Nathan has his own web agency and he 28:44 does business coaching on the side and he's been helping us with leading and 28:51 hosting and organizing and running I themes training for eight years now I 28:56 think it's really amazing so I personally like in all the things that I find to be really extremely successful 29:03 on the give side and even with other Stellar folks um so much of it is really dedicated to 29:09 some sort of partnership in one way or another they just are really really fruitful in this way so 29:16 um Francisco you are here you have video um yeah I'm not sure what happened are 29:22 you refreshed I refresh the the screen and it works again so good good it wasn't a really good example a really 29:29 good story time example for you for instance I would say uh during the 29:34 time no uh that we were a buddy boss for instance platform the body was ecosystem 29:40 lacks uh learning learning management system so from the very beginning what 29:46 we did you know we built a strong relationship with the LMS companies the first one was learndash that still 29:52 leading the market for like really by far so what we did we committed to 29:59 develop a whole kind of unique UI ux front end for learn Dash so for instance 30:06 if you compare kind of the default learner learn Dance Experience that even a few things are today offering that is 30:13 just like a like light makeup what we did we built our own whole layout for 30:20 that no and the LMS experience was amazing that was the even became one of 30:26 the mind selling points of body boss so lots of learned as juicers are using 30:31 body balls today mostly because the learning experience is amazing like we integrated dark mode like destruction 30:38 free mode and a lot of like toys and whistles that now people love to deliver 30:43 their content for the students and the and also the the relationship went 30:48 really like deep because not everyone promoting the other so we were generating sales for learn Dash because 30:55 we to all customers we say hey we work with learn Dash go for it it's solid and the same so even learn that became the 31:02 number one affiliate that we have in our in our list no like like because of they 31:07 were saying hey we have the LMS you want you want that treaty go for vadibles and so on no then we were that level of kind 31:16 of partnership that the whole approduct the body was upload is you know full 31:21 react native and it's integrated fully with learn Dash only as LMS yeah so 31:27 because that relationship has been running for years so we know that it's a solid product it's a long-term thing so 31:34 everyone committed and today people love how you know even The Learning Experience is running on Android iOS and 31:41 all that nice now for example that I think that is amazing and we did similar commitment after a few years with 31:50 um lifter LMS no Chris and the team so now we also created a whole you know new 31:57 layout for lifter LMS and then now is they are close to release similar for 32:02 tutor LMS but they're still they learned are still leading only available for the 32:07 app so I would say this the the lacking of a future can be transformed in a huge 32:15 Advantage for your product if you find the right implementation in this case in 32:21 this case but it was you know like did a magic kind of integrating that that that level of goodness if we say that no like 32:30 the experience is smooth and and no even like the communication for future updates and all that is like really in 32:36 sync so I would say this is one of the big wins in regards to the Partnerships that I have be able to kind of 32:42 collaborate experience all that yeah the second one is one we we did with 32:48 wishlist member that's why I think I end up working later for them because you know in that 32:55 time Tracy shielders was leading the charge no as one of the co-founders so no there was no membership plugins 33:02 natively integrated with the volleyball platform no and they were the first committing you know to develop that no 33:10 like people wanted to a if people take level a I want to be I want them added to all these social groups or if people 33:17 join the membership level B I want to upgrade their profile types to do this and that so they were like a really 33:24 neaty like people were asking for and they were the first ones to commit and deliver we run even webinars events 33:30 together and we generate also like lots of sales you know for them and vice versa because that integration 33:37 and so this is something that I would feel collaborating in this case these 33:42 were kind of a technical you know the kick started for for for this um partnership it was technical but after 33:49 the technical phase was completed it became more like a commercial educational partnership no they were 33:56 coming we run a webinar together as we still have all those listed bodybox.com webinars we we did one with Jack no WP 34:05 Fusion similar approach one with wishes member and the other one also with Adrian from groundhog 34:11 he was the first committee to develop a CRM an email marketing fully integrated with the valuables platform let's say 34:18 people join X group so it triggered this sequence and then you can do proper and 34:23 boarding to all members so I think that this uh these Partnerships when when it's on top of the the educational part 34:30 it brings cynical value no to your product and boost of course the value 34:36 that even groundhog can have for their customers is amazing because this opened 34:42 a whole new audience for groundhog for instance right now what it was users are like 70 000 paid customers no or a bit 34:49 more so now you can imagine that groundhog has all that universe of customers you know that are now 34:56 available for them to pitch to offer exactly so exactly I would say those 35:02 Partnerships were like clearly like win wins yeah you clearly that's a good 35:08 point I mean uh Katie I want to do a follow-up with you on this a deal again is pointing out a good one um here then 35:14 I wanna I wanna see what you have to say about this um finding and choosing the right Partners is not easy though it 35:19 requires research planning and Alignment I can't agree more and Katie we have brought this up a little bit before when 35:26 you are when you have a lot of woocommerce extensions it's not the only thing you do but it's it's a big one 35:33 um the obvious partnership is with woocommerce directly um and correct me if I'm wrong but to 35:40 date you all are not on the woocommerce marketplace right no um 35:47 yeah say it again if if we were is that a partnership 35:52 listing your product on a because I haven't really heard of them doing other 35:58 types of Partnerships like cross promotions and integration I think it's a partnership I mean it's essentially 36:04 like you're both mutually benefiting from the sale um to different degrees and whatnot 36:09 they're promoting your product on on their website um I think it would classify as a 36:14 partnership but I I want to say the question I want to follow up on is like you've made the choice so far not to be 36:21 there um and so in your mind right now uh they're not an ideal partner for barn 36:28 two um is that fair to say they have many hats so one of them would 36:35 be the marketplace another would just be their products and blog for example and 36:41 I have not succeeded in partnering with them even though they'd be very natural so for example they are a multiple 36:48 official extensions on woocommerce.com which we have done one-sided Integrations of for example our 36:55 woocommerce product table plugin we integrate with their product add-ons plug-in even though we've got our own as 37:01 well we always integrate with theirs because it's so popular we integrate with their bookings plugins so people 37:07 can book a time slot within their product table and we've never we've told them about these but we never get 37:13 anything back they don't promote our plugins as a result of doing that integration 37:19 um so it feels kind of not really like a partnership we integrate because our customers are demanding it but it would 37:26 be nice to see more of a mutual partnership where they might be adding it to their documentation for example 37:32 sample of it's of interest to their users like for woocommerce bookings how do I list my bookable products in a 37:39 quick order form oh you can use product table for that by Barn too you know that kind of thing and I have not had success 37:46 doing that so I'd be interested in whether anybody else has yeah I will say back in the day we had a product called 37:53 quick checkout and um our biggest Revenue stream for quick checkout was 37:59 that we were listed with an affiliate link on woocommerce.com I'm fairly 38:04 certain that they don't do that at all anymore um but way back oh on the marketplace where it the sale would take place in 38:12 your website on our website yeah so yeah I've tried to convince them to do that and it's a definite no you have to do 38:18 their whole licensing and it takes place on there exactly that and I wish that 38:23 was still a possibility because I feel like that does make a lot of sense um when especially yeah I would do that in 38:28 a second because you're like no problem Partners no problem yeah yeah nice 38:34 um yeah I think that like the goal for them is like just keep piling up products on the marketplace that's why 38:41 probably is not for part of the Korean protocol to push even though for good 38:46 products outside of the marketplace because even products in the marketplace are not all high top quality it's like 38:52 okay good no so these days yeah I think it is there's also that element in which 39:00 um they obviously are like the giant elephant in the room and they it they 39:05 get to set the terms you know and so for example like you might not like their terms for the marketplace at all and 39:11 then it's like they're just not a good partner for me because is why would I do that when I can sell just as good or 39:17 better on my own site and also when you're on their Marketplace they are handling the technical support and maybe 39:23 you don't want that at all uh or or they're passing it off to you with with zero kind of like onboarding like that 39:30 that also might not be ideal so there's definitely a sense in which sometimes a 39:36 partnership might be one-sided or overly overbearing in one way or another 39:42 um so yeah I would say I would say that like probably the spirit of Partnerships 39:48 it's more towards kind of plus plus and money is not yet involved yeah no but 39:54 but it's of course like by sharing affiliate links and whatever traffic each side generates and that is money 40:00 for know both companies that is fair but usually in Partnerships you you don't try to to oh there is no money involved 40:08 like hey no unless you are doing like a different like pay by buying a link you know trying to do SEO for a site or 40:15 something like that but usually in Partnership it's like let's find a way for you to win no for instance we have a 40:21 question later how what can do people to run successful partnership at the end but yeah I think that that is probably 40:26 the spirit of Partnerships that's like it's like win to win hey I have this gap on my audience that you can feel no 40:33 let's find a way no so you can get in and then let me I I I can see that you 40:39 have this Gap I want to fill that Gap you know and then both can exchange something yeah I didn't update my 40:46 captions in time I gotta update them live it's embarrassing but uh that's where we're going next for sure is the 40:53 best advice so yeah I think that I'm sure that folks listening in right now they um they want to know like how do I 41:00 get into doing Partnerships how do I approach folks um Partnerships sound great they're like 41:05 yes I'm all in but like how do you get a partnership um I I'd love to hear from you all your 41:11 best advice for how um uh somebody might start getting into Partnerships 41:17 ladies first my mom my mom teach me that I know today today 41:27 yeah in terms of finding people to partner with there are all sorts of ways 41:32 you're probably coming across other companies and their work in your day-to-day work anyway at word camps 41:38 that's the most um effective place because it just seems more real in person but that's not the 41:45 only way you can reach out to people on Twitter the post status slack 41:51 um just by their contact forms I have made Partnerships via all those methods 41:56 many times so um it's not difficult to get hold of people in the bigger companies it may be 42:02 hard to get hold of the right person and so that's may fall flat and you may need 42:08 to find out who that individual is and Target them with smaller ones generally it's not so hard and once you have 42:15 identified who you think you would be able to achieve that Mutual benefit with 42:20 um just keep thinking creatively how you can benefit one another and make sure it's not one-sided it's not just about 42:26 about you they're not a charity they are a business as well and while you want to 42:32 do the right thing and that genuinely benefit everybody you also want to grow the other person's sales because that's 42:39 ultimately the motivator that's likely to make them say yes even if they're a much bigger company than you absolutely 42:45 yeah good stuff Francisco what's your best advice what's a elevator yeah 42:52 I have like 100 000 ideas but I'll try for instance I think that uh I will try 43:00 to to know to go in both ways when you are the small one or when you are the big one because it's important not 43:07 everyone is already established most of most no I was checking and waiting for one of my plugins to get into the repo 43:13 now and I am 627 on the list so someday that will happen no so there are my 43:21 point is there are 600 new just getting started so all of them needs 43:26 Partnerships to grow now when you are the big one that's the easy when you are 43:32 the big one you are is the easy because everyone kind of wants to be tied to your brand so I would say in that way 43:40 you just need to try to do your checks that is the best way now let's say if 43:45 you notice that no certain company a certain product for the Hassan Market a potential Market 43:51 that can fill or fits you know your your needs or your your Revenue goals you 43:57 should try to right away study start building relationships and analyze exactly what how much you can really offer to 44:04 that company and then you need to put that written together and then you need to also go through your own media assets 44:11 let's say the blog social media accounts maybe your email list so and you also 44:18 need to put numbers stats to your assets so when you are doing Outreach you you 44:23 can say clearly how solid you are how much audience and exposure you are offering let's say hey my news my or 44:30 monthly newsletter goes out and we have 100 000 subscribers no we have 44:35 currently 10K plus subscribers on YouTube in case that we want to run an event together or in case that no so the 44:42 idea for the big one is easy because you just put your start together and you share with them we feel that this 44:48 product that we are currently offering or we are close to launch could be a good fit for no this segment of your 44:54 people the big one is always the easy side no what I I what I have done what I 45:00 have done especially when you are working on a product that is going to Market like a new product that is going 45:06 to Market what I did is put together kind of a partner package that you are 45:13 where you are committing to do this and that after the product has gone live 45:19 because for instance if you're launching a product what you want is for people to join kind of the Venture so you want 45:26 them to make noise with you the day that you're launching your product right do you want kind of proof generate certain 45:32 bus so but but that will not happen if they don't have guarantees that hey I 45:38 can help you in a month when you are launching but what are you going to do afterwards for me yeah absolutely I 45:44 learned I learned this part no like sometimes you think that the emails and 45:50 the zoom calls are enough kind of guarantee uh but I was wrong 45:55 I I was wrong I mean I did that many years and worked well but in the one of 46:01 the recent because I did a small work not for our Partnerships recently and I learned from a publish press founder no 46:08 for instance he was very kind of serious about the partnership like he paid like 100 000 requirements but he committed 46:15 right I got it he committed but he asked me for to do something kind of a 46:21 document proper document with my commitment for them afterwards yeah but that was for me Avid like wow like new 46:29 but I would say don't don't fear don't fear to do that like the more the more 46:34 formal and serious the agreement looks like the more easy to sell it I learned that I learned that trick this time just 46:41 just recently that part before was only some calls and emails yeah and of course good faith because you don't want to 46:47 damage the brand of course that was required so so I would say try to put together your assets and so 46:55 analyze how much you can offer not for each partner and then what I did I have like a partner package hey if you come 47:02 in to help us with this launch at least sending to your subscriber or sharing with your no social channels we are 47:08 going to do the same for your product we can also run a webinar together we can offer you a podcast together and we can 47:14 offer you two articles in your Vlog during on your Vlog during this year featuring your products that are not 47:19 competing with us so they can have a clear roadmap of how much value they're 47:25 going to get from you yeah absolutely I think that that is like even more than 47:30 your own pitch because now of course in currency you try to pitch you know we are good we are doing well Etc but the 47:36 concrete value that you're offering is what matters at the end absolutely that's good I feel that I mean in my 47:42 case that has worked try to analyze exactly how much you can give away and then put that together as part of the 47:49 offer that's a great one uh for me personally I think Partnerships are all about relationships and you really have 47:56 to be invested in the the other person as much the other business as much as you can just for who they are and what 48:03 they do not for what you're going to gain out of it you will gain something out of it but you have to be invested in 48:10 them first and I personally have found over the years that like like for example these small little 48:16 um uh intros that we do at the beginning or I've asked other podcast hosts if they would do an intro for me uh 48:23 honestly that happens because I've built up relationships with those people and so when I come and say hey I have this 48:29 crazy idea would you do a quick little video intro for me they're like sure of course I will it's not even an Ask 48:35 anymore because it's just part of who we are um and if you build up those kinds of relationships over time uh making those 48:43 kinds of asks aren't even they don't even think of them as Partnerships anymore it's just like I want to do this 48:48 thing for Matt because I know that Matt does stuff for me all the time um 48:53 will yeah it's not the only reason why I do those things I like to do those things I like to be helpful 48:59 um but the relationship building is just so incredibly valuable so that at the 49:04 drop of a hat whenever I need a quick thing uh folks are there and available so I would say invest invest invest 49:12 invest in your network as much as you can all the time without thinking about 49:17 what you will get back because at one day you're gonna ask to get something back and they're going to be there for 49:22 you yeah so funny yeah nice well this was a great conversation Francisco thanks so 49:29 much for being here and bringing your expertise to the table yes I know we are close to to to to to finish but I would 49:35 love to share some tips for the small ones yeah we got we got one minute for 49:40 sure oh sorry okay I would say no for the 49:45 small ones and they they also need to take advantage of their network but a 49:51 good thing that has worked well now for the small ones no last couple of years is not only like partner with other 49:58 WordPress companies no because even if a small one is trying to get help from a big one not always they will get uh 50:05 success no it's not always like easy to achieve but uh what has worked for these 50:11 days is build Partnerships with other communities for instance there are big Facebook group Facebook groups where 50:18 people speak about WordPress where you know people is learning about WordPress where a few people even YouTubers that 50:25 that create content for WordPress and all they run communities where help others these communities has become a 50:32 really good source of potential customers for the small ones so Partnerships is not only about 50:38 WordPress company versus WordPress company is also think about where your 50:43 people is hanging out you just say about the importance of the relevance of building relationships but you also need 50:50 to build relationships with the communities where your people are hanging out are learning about your products so when the time comes you can 50:57 pop there speak with the admin and say hey I have these I have that do you feel that this can bring value to your 51:02 community and they would say I do yeah but that that these days is working way 51:08 better for instance there are many Bangladeshi WordPress companies that are making tons of you know tons in Revenue 51:15 just by running a special uh or doing Special launches with a few communities 51:20 that run WordPress or learning for WordPress so I would say consider 51:25 consider totally there is a strategy in the marketing name community-led growth 51:30 so I would say the go-to market the go-to network or community-led growth goes together are the way for the small 51:38 ones these days excellent good stuff great well thanks everybody for being 51:43 here uh I want a quick shout out to post status for being kind of our green room where we organize all these things 51:49 thanks to the wp minute who continues to support us and help us hit the like button if you can hit the Subscribe 51:56 button if you can tell a friend about us if you can and next week uh we're gonna see it's a little 52:03 tentative right now but if uh if the term again folks are listening I'm gonna be coming I'm hoping that I can get them 52:09 for next week uh if not it's gonna be somebody else we'll see um but thanks everybody have a great 52:16 week we'll see you next week okay thank you thank you for having me this was amazing bye-bye