0:41 [Music] 0:50 thank you 0:57 this is WP product talk the place where every week we talk about the business and workings of owning running managing 1:04 succeeding and even failing in the space of WordPress products and product ownership 1:12 I'm Katie Keith CEO of planting plugins miss my line 1:18 and I'm Matt Cromwell co-founder of give WP and now senior director of customer 1:23 experience at Stellar WP and today's topic is what makes for a great 1:28 WordPress product brand and why you might want to Rebrand now I've personally been looking forward to this 1:35 one uh it's honestly something that I don't feel like it's very much conversation in the WordPress product space and yet it's really fundamental 1:41 and really important so looking forward to this and to introduce Our Guest today we have 1:47 a special appearance from Michelle frechette I am Michelle frechette from podcasts 1:53 like WP Coffee Talk under represented in Tech WP motivate and the new podcast 1:59 series WP constellations I'm introducing today's WP product talk guest Jose Volk 2:06 Yost is an internet entrepreneur hailing from the Netherlands he's the founder of yoast the company which was sold to 2:13 newfold digital in July 2021. he's an extensive background in digital marketing and WordPress yoast is married 2:20 to Marika who previously held the physician of CEO at yoast until the company's acquisition 2:26 the couple has four children together through their company Amelia Capital Yost and Marika invest in businesses 2:33 that operate at least partially within the digital realm they also manage their own projects such as marika's Empower 2:40 women's initiative it is my pleasure to get to know both yoast and Marika through the WordPress community and I've 2:46 enjoyed following their initiatives that help make the community more accessible to underrepresented people I'm excited to see what will come as 2:53 Amelia Capital grows and wish them amazing success and now here's Yost enjoy the show Welcome 3:01 hey welcome welcome thank you that was a nice intro 3:07 we try we try to make people blush when they come on here yeah I'm all blushing now I'll have to thank Michelle for that 3:14 so Michelle thank you if you're watching absolutely cool well here we are and 3:22 like Katie said talking about branding I'm excited um and uh how we always kick this off is 3:29 uh we want to encourage everyone who's watching to uh use the chat if you're here on YouTube Use the chat 3:34 um use the chat and give us your questions or your comments or your feedback or throw tomatoes at yoast or 3:40 whatever you like um uh we can handle it if you're on Twitter use the hashtag WP product talk 3:46 and we'll be paying attention um but uh the first things first is uh Why is branding so important 3:52 why this subject is so important um yoast this was actually your recommendation as a subject and uh so 3:59 you're you're on the you're on the on the platform here why is this so important why is this such a big deal 4:05 so in the end I think everyone when building a product once wants people to 4:10 buy that product and a large part of that decision is do people trust you do 4:17 people know you do they so all of these things are important and a 4:23 lot of that is is always considered marketing but a very important portion 4:29 of that is branding and and it's very important that people understand who you 4:35 are but also have a feeling when they see your name they have to have that 4:40 positive connotation to your name they have to trust you to actually fix their problem for you 4:46 so um branding is indeed not talked about enough in the WordPress world I think 4:52 one of the reasons yoast got as big as it was was because we did our branding very well 4:57 and I would suggest that everybody who wants to build a product brand like that 5:03 do the same and and and things about their brand and builds it and that's 5:08 more than just creating a logo yeah absolutely for sure I mean I definitely 5:14 have heard folks there's I've heard some mixed reviews on the aesthetic of yoast The aesthetic of Yoast 5:19 honestly some folks don't love it but I think every single person finds it distinctive like you can't not 5:26 remember it that's the thing I think that's really interesting I I think that's more important than than 5:31 necessarily having everyone love the imagery or whatever it is you're using 5:37 um I I I think that the well it's one of the 5:43 things that we did when we created yoast is it literally the second person we hired was a web designer or and a 5:52 designer in general and the third person we hire was an illustrator and uh before 5:57 we even hired any coders so having that that design and standing out 6:05 from the crowd which is what you're doing literally has always been very important 6:11 yeah absolutely I think it's really clever with the yoast brand how you've Taking Yoast out of Yoast 6:16 got kind of the right balance between a personal brand and also something that can stand away from you which is 6:22 obviously important as you step away more um like you've got entirely entirely now 6:28 I'm not involved anymore at all which is weird but it's but it's true it must be and with your name you'll always be 6:36 branding wise symbolically and even right down to the little ghost Legos that people still have in their 6:42 children's toy boxes and things but it is a distinct brand that can continue without which is really clever 6:48 and it is we had we actually had a project at some point taking yoast out of yoast 6:54 um and and our project was very much like because in the very beginning and and the WordPress uh old people will 7:02 remember this like Katie is far too young for this to remember this I think but I I was in the header of every page 7:08 like literally my avatar was in the editor of every page on that site and at 7:15 some point there were like 25 people working at Yellowstone we still had that and I I talked to a friend at a 7:22 conference and he was like dude you need to get away from that I'm like yeah you're probably right and and then we did so we we had the 7:29 taking yoast out of yoast project and now it happens sometimes 7:34 that I'm introduced at conferences as this is Juiced from yoast yeah yeah and 7:39 I'm like yeah okay that worked nice 7:46 Katie what about you um so yeah definitely an important topic Stand out from the competition 7:51 for all those reasons it also makes you stand out from the competition and can 7:56 help to justify a premium price tag so if you just have kind of a really neutral brand that isn't very memorable 8:02 people will expect to pay kind of middlely prices if you've got a really distinct professional brand then I think 8:09 you can charge more for what is otherwise the same product because it's all about perception and as yo said a 8:16 minute ago it's not just about visuals because it cuts across all of your customer contact points right down to 8:23 things like the tone of voice that your support team use when they respond to technical support tickets but 8:30 um not enough WordPress companies put that emphasis into their brand so we we should be talking about it as the 8:37 WordPress product Talk podcast and whether it's worth putting that investment in to get a more distinctive 8:43 brand mm-hmm absolutely yeah those are good considerations for sure I mean I think What is a brand 8:49 in some ways we should probably kind of distinguish for some folks that a brand is a kind of like an umbrella term for a 8:55 lot of different things like you have your brand name you have your brand logo you have your brand icon 9:01 um you kind of have often like a brand um voice um or tone or identity 9:07 um that you want to represent in different ways uh we we could talk about all those things I'm not trying to limit 9:13 the conversation but uh in many ways I think like starting with just the name itself like starting with yoast or 9:20 starting with barn two we'll get into our our story talk a little bit later about these things but like those that 9:27 that name by itself regardless of the icon or the logo I think is is uh unique 9:33 and different um and can be the premium thing all by itself depending on on what that what 9:39 that name is especially if you combine it with like a really slick domain if you're able to get away with like a 9:46 really like a six letter domain in many ways you know nobody gets four letters anymore but 9:52 um you know things like that can really be a big deal sometimes they're surprisingly cheap I mean yoast.com I 9:58 bought only well that's not true it's like 18 years ago that I bought that I 10:04 think but it it was only two and a half thousand dollars at that point nice 10:10 all right what about yoast.nl do you have that one too we have yeah we have a lot of the different versions yet so 10:18 um the funny thing is there's more people named Jost that I used the the 10:23 same way of spelling it so it took some time to to com to get them all and also 10:30 to use the power of a registered trademark and which you should do by the way if you're if you have a product and 10:36 you have a name that you can register register that trademark yeah um to to actually get all the domain 10:43 names and all the the Twitter handles and everything like that yeah yep really 10:48 important um for me I think when it comes to branding uh the reason why this is such 10:54 a big deal is it's really the very first impression of your product 10:59 um you know they're gonna see the name they're gonna hear it uh from a friend um they're gonna see it online in the 11:06 social context or an ad or something like that that's going to be the very first interaction 11:12 um that they get in different ways in one way or another um and um I uh I I really think First 11:20 Impressions matter a ton when it comes to um customer trust in who you are and what they want First impressions 11:27 to do and whether they want to spend money with you at all um I I think Impressions first impressions are a big deal well and it's 11:34 also not just First Impressions right a lot of this is people hearing about you multiple times before they buy from you 11:42 uh and and getting onto your website probably a couple of times before they 11:47 buy we see especially with three medium products it sometimes takes more than a 11:54 year for people to go from free to premium and uh and and that is building 12:01 up that brand recognition and that well that that power that they attribute to 12:06 your brand over time so it's that's also why consistency in 12:11 these things is very important you have to be consistent about how you how you do all that yeah absolutely 12:19 good points um who out there do you feel like is um some other really good examples of like Good examples 12:25 a brand name and WordPress that really nailed it okay so can I be highly critical yes 12:32 please I think there's far too few companies doing it very very good because it's it's literally one of the 12:40 things that Marie can I talk to a lot of our investments about like we need to to improve on that branding 12:47 um so it's too easy maybe to shout out to some of our own Investments but I think 12:54 after Rim is actually doing quite a good job with something that is also like 12:59 not just a logo but also the atrium Summit and everything around that it 13:04 became a part of their brand and I I think doing things like that like we did 13:10 videos as well with yoastcon is super important to 13:16 um also emphasize who you are and what you are but then you also have to make sure that 13:22 everything that that thing is really is a good well representation of who you 13:28 are as a company yeah atarim is a good example in terms of like a brand a re a relatively recent No WP 13:35 brand that ditched the wp like that's a good question to bring up here too Barn 13:41 two also no no WP there yoast no WP with give like it's a four-letter word it's 13:47 kind of like we we had to kind of go with the wp in some way or another because and it's a beautiful brand yeah 13:54 yeah I'm just going to give that an example actually because you follow it you 14:01 thing in all mediums even like Communications with Affiliates and things like that it's almost the brand 14:08 is indistinguishable from the values which is unusual but you could lose the 14:13 wp if you think about iconic for example they couldn't get the iconic.com domain but they've never called themselves 14:19 iconic WP really mm-hmm yeah same thing with us like we there was no way we're going to get 14:26 give.com um and we can't trademark give as a term uh but give WP we can and we have so 14:34 um that's kind of a little bit of the struggle but like WP Fusion I like WP Fusion a lot as a brand name in terms of 14:41 somebody who chose the wp um and it sounds like what it is like I like the idea of using the word Fusion 14:47 for you know being a connector of things like I think they did a good job there but like another one is learndash didn't 14:54 choose the wp I like learn Dash as a brand a lot personally a little bit highest 14:59 slightly I like learn Dash too but we always used it too so I no I I agree but 15:07 at the same time it's also like you're not by adding WP you're limiting yourself to the wp platform yeah 15:14 basically for a long time and for some companies that might not be a problem at 15:19 all but yoast for instance is it exists for Shopify as well and if it had a WP 15:26 in it it that would actually be problematic problem problematic so um I mean maybe Katie I don't know how 15:33 that is for barn two but I can imagine you doing similar things for another platform and I think you could actually use burn two there too yeah it would be Pivoting 15:40 an option so let's say if the terrible happened and WordPress lost its market 15:45 share or something then we could pivot with our brand into more of um I don't know apps for other platforms so while 15:52 that's not on the road map now it does give us that flexibility and that's a really good point about how having WP or 15:59 even Wu or something else there's lots of variants like that in your brand does limit you because you never know what 16:06 your future Direction might be however strong your business plan and goals 16:11 yeah yeah and I think that it's important to realize if you do it right and your brand is bigger than a lot of 16:18 these things so one of the so not everyone remembers 16:23 this but what the plugin that's now called yo so it used to be called WordPress SEO in the beginning and then 16:28 we started rebranding it WordPress SEO by yoast and a couple years later we we 16:33 changed it to your cisio for WordPress and the funny thing is that over time you 16:39 saw the Google Trends searches change and literally people started searching 16:46 for yoast SEO mode and for WordPress SEO so your brand at that point becomes bigger than what you were before that 16:52 and I think that that is actually well a a very good indicator of a strong 16:58 business and I I think that that's something that you have to try and build over time a 17:05 brand doesn't get built in two days it really takes a bit of time it also doesn't have to take two years 17:11 but it but it is important that you're like that you're consistently doing a thing for a while before people actually 17:18 trust a brand in the WordPress world one of the examples that a lot of people might know 17:24 is post status it has actually become a brand for a community and and with that has has 17:31 gathered well a lot of um Trust From A lot of people and it's 17:36 where where all of us gather all the time so you so it's something that that's very like very at least very dear 17:42 to my heart uh and I think that that's the sort of 17:48 connection that you want people to have to a brand mm-hmm yep 17:54 nice uh let's talk a little bit about our experiences um in um this subject in Our experiences 18:00 particular we all have um some experience here to that we could talk about 18:06 um I I'll kick it off today like I think the big three that I've been directly involved in are are give WP of course 18:13 another brand that a lot of folks don't know that we also carry is called WP business reviews and then most recently 18:19 we did a big Rebrand in public of uh I themes changing to solid WP 18:26 um and I think that I'll zero in on give and solid like one of the real consistencies between the way we 18:33 approach the give brand and the solid brand where we really wanted to focus in on like a a really recognizable term uh 18:41 and word um a word Mark essentially that folks would would recognize and would stick in 18:48 their brain one way or another um of course these are like English terms 18:53 um and um that is one thing to keep in mind too like we have we might want to 18:58 talk a little bit about internationalization of brand names um but um 19:04 and how that applies in different ways but um I think English does have a little bit of an advantage 19:10 um in being so widely uh spoken as a second language for so many people 19:16 um but um give in particular we wanted it to really be a short 19:21 um uh four-letter brand as much as possible um even though we knew we weren't going 19:26 to get away with the.com of that and that was really helpful even our slug on 19:32 wordpress.org is just give g-i-v-e um and things like that I think were 19:37 really useful um uh when we first picked it um and it's helpful in the cases like ours 19:43 where we were kind of like first to Market when it comes to like a big donation plug-in essentially 19:50 uh not exactly but close to it um so and that same thing with solid um 19:56 we really were looking for something that um people would recognize and be familiar uh right away 20:02 um that is one kind of downside I think to adoram um is that sometimes it takes a little bit of a mental jump to to 20:09 really recognize what that term is and what it means and or or why you should remember it things like that 20:15 um it pros and cons to both for sure um but for us we wanted something that really evoked like foundational 20:22 aspects because we're really trying to do you know plugins that every WordPress 20:27 website needs as the foundation of their site so solid WP 20:32 um so and and it's supposed to sound very um Premier or Elite in some ways but 20:39 also approachable and easy and straightforward too so um uh yeah 20:46 um it's it's very clear that you've thought about it a lot more than we ever did [Laughter] 20:53 so for me yoast was literally I had actually started my own business I was 20:59 in the shop with one of my kids and I got a call from my accountant saying yes sorry that name's already been taken by 21:05 another company that did the other name that I had you need to come up with another name and I literally was on the 21:10 phone with Marika saying okay so what do I do and she said well just call it yoast like your bloke you're not gonna 21:15 hire anyone anyway this is never going to go anywhere just 21:21 call it after yourself yeah and then you're stuck for for a 21:26 decade plus with a name that's constantly your own name which is sort of annoying yeah yeah no yeah so it but 21:35 it was a good brand in many ways because it was short and memorable Etc so it has it has some very good things but it was 21:42 I'm I want to say that we we fought about all of this from the beginning but of course we didn't 21:49 I mean this is literally we're talking about 2010 yeah uh WordPress was yay big yeah 21:57 and yeah no we were nowhere close to to what we were all doing did you think 22:04 about Bond two and how did you get to Ubuntu I now want to know Katie because Internationalisation 22:10 Miller it would Barn at the time we now live you 22:17 know somewhere completely different in Majorca not in the anywhere near the animals and things that we had in the 22:23 old house and we're stuck with it and we talked earlier about internationalization apparently the word 22:29 Barn is something to do with a baby in um Scandinavia and so people in Denmark 22:36 and things are like what's your company got to do with babies so it's not even in good International English word and 22:44 then you can never change it we also made the mistake of starting off as co.uk because the.com wasn't available 22:51 so then we had to spend a reasonable amount of money to get the.com once we 22:57 realized we were an international company which we'd never anticipated when we started designing WordPress 23:02 websites in 2010 so that's another example of not really planning for your 23:09 future growth yeah now that's such an interesting story I love it 23:14 um and I I do I do have a real font spot for like both of those stories in terms of like we're just like hobbyists just 23:21 kind of doing a thing on the weekend and we're just gonna give it a name and then all of a sudden it becomes this big deal it's like it's really fun I love it 23:28 well it's also I I think in the end that's how a lot of Wordpress companies 23:35 started yeah and in general how a lot of companies start is 23:40 it just happens yeah and but like I mean that that's uh the space is changing you 23:47 know and that's I think that's a little bit like where we all came from is like what we got away with like eight ten 23:53 years ago we can't get away with as easily today um and so that's what I like about where 23:58 you're coming from yoast now with Amelia Capital it's like you're you you're like if somebody's like I'm just gonna name 24:04 it after myself or my after my first born kid and you're like no no don't do that like I did that and I wouldn't do 24:11 it again right so so Emilia capitals actually has a has a fun story to it too 24:16 because we our address is actually Emilia Vanessa Street here in the Netherlands and Emilia was a princess 24:23 from the town that we uh that we are in or actually she was a Dutch royal princess that lived in this town for a 24:30 while and the castle she was quite badass so we were like hey that that's a good name for our company but it 24:37 I I do like a a name with a story uh to it uh and and well Emilia ticked all the 24:44 boxes and we're we're well that's actually probably the second time I get to build a brand like that uh and and 24:51 with Marika again and and we'll play with it create logos do the whole thing again and think about hey what what what 24:59 do we want to be what does that look like mm-hmm yeah well it does definitely feel like a 25:05 very different approach to a brand than yoast was right yeah but it's also a 25:11 very different Beast uh so it's very much not a consumer brand 25:17 um it's very much something that um well it has two places to be in I 25:24 think one is the WordPress community and and the other thing is towards companies looking for investment which is a very 25:31 different way of of looking at things um 25:36 in some ways you want to look professional and like you know what you're doing when you when you're 25:42 investing in other companies and of course we don't because nobody does um but 25:49 yeah so you need to portray that nicely um 25:55 so it has a different role to play and I think yoast is very very much more a a 26:01 brand that talks to a very wide community of users um where both of you probably play as 26:07 well I mean Barton 2 has is a bit more towards the e-commerce side and most of its plugins I think but I I 26:16 um you're talking to a much larger market of users than we are with Amelia it has 26:23 a very different approach well for you it's more of a supportive tool really isn't it so people will Credibility 26:30 apply for investment or something and then that adds credibility afterwards it's not so much for getting that deal 26:36 in the first place I think most people want this as 26:41 investors because it's Marika and me and not necessarily because we're called Amelia because nobody really cares I 26:47 think at the same time once we start combining these Investments and people 26:52 look at it at it more than maybe it might it might become a bit more than that but we'll see I we 26:59 um we've got plenty of ideas for the next couple of years and uh and well it's it's all just starting literally uh 27:07 so uh yeah looking forward to build on that and see where we can take that maybe we'll do an Amelia Khan at some 27:13 point but then we'll have to come up with something better 27:19 actually combining multiple Brands into a single brand because that's something that Matt you've been doing with Stella 27:26 isn't it each of those was branded its own rights but you're bringing them together now they have this Mutual 27:31 support network so I suppose an accelerator type program is similar 27:36 um yeah I think umbrella Brands is like a whole nother conversation 27:41 um those are harder um and even with Stellar like um 27:47 Stellar Works only because we're making it work I think in many ways um it doesn't sound like a like if it was like 27:54 Michelle just launched uh WP constellation um podcast you know constellation sounds 28:01 like a grouping of things you know it just automatically sounds that way Stellar just sounds like awesome you 28:08 know it's uh doing awesome things um but it's a whole nother conversation 28:13 I think well it's also interesting because there's you've made it very different choices and for instance Syed 28:19 did with it with his uh plugins because he's it's all the wp beginner family but 28:26 it's it's not really an umbrella brand and and yet it is and there so there's there's a lot of different ways you can 28:32 go about that and I mean the only thing that I I'm always a bit 28:38 afraid of in these things is how not to confuse the end yeah uh which honestly 28:44 with Stellar is a bit like it's it's a stellar it's a liquid web brand and there's like there's three layers to 28:51 that which is quite a lot to to comprehend um but umbrella Brands I well if you get to 28:58 that problem it's a good problem to have yeah true delicious brains is another good one 29:04 um well that's not quite exactly an umbrella brand anymore but like um a holding brand for several different 29:11 products um and I I it's an interesting approach because like none of their 29:16 product names sound like delicious brains at all and none of them sound related to each other in any way 29:23 um and delicious print itself doesn't sound like an umbrella uh term in any way but they just ran with it and they 29:30 just made the website really reflect it really well um so I love the brand name though it's 29:36 yeah yeah it's just very cool all of their products are or most of their products have WP in them though if if I 29:43 recall correctly but it is like yeah well migrate DB Pro not quite but like 29:50 yeah yeah there's a couple of them yeah yeah and then they purchased ACF which also doesn't have yeah but they never 29:57 really co-branded that like whereas with their other products that had unique color schemes and logos even within the 30:03 wider brand which was quite nice yeah true true Katie you have a note here 30:08 about what you would do differently next time I want to lean in on that a little bit okay Design 30:14 yeah our brand kind of just just it's interesting we did the opposite of yoast who you just said your 30:21 I think was it your third and fourth hires were designers and illustrators and so on we literally just hired our 30:28 first designer a couple of months ago our first full-time designer we um our 30:34 logo was designed by somebody on 99 designed so was the home page of our 30:40 website which is not the most professional way to get a brand so I would definitely hire somebody proper 30:46 either an agency or in-house that doesn't really matter but it's about having an individual you can build that 30:53 relationship with so I would do that differently uh other things I would do 30:58 differently um would be to aim higher our Brand's fine but really I would like it I would 31:06 Aspire for it to be as professional as the best SAS companies I think we should 31:11 be looking outside of Wordpress in our aspirations for our brand because Beyond WordPress yes the standard is the 31:19 average standard is higher so I'd like to up the level of our brand at some 31:25 point but we're kind of daunted about the size of that project so we're trying to evolve our brand gradually and now 31:31 we've got an in-house designer and he's designing so it's nice things like our t-shirts for word Camp Europe and all 31:38 the swag and um all these things we've never had before but I would definitely do that 31:44 differently and another note it's interesting to think about uniqueness 31:49 because you never know like for example our t-shirts last year were the same color 31:56 as the volunteers at word campus and people kept asking us for directions 32:02 so this year it's actually a good marketing play lots of people talking to 32:07 you but for the wrong reason and then this year we've gone for quite an unusual color of blue and as you can 32:15 see yoast has the same color T-shirt and I just got off a call with some other 32:21 WordPress people and Jason Coleman had the same color t-shirts as me I thought it was unusual so 32:28 I think yoast is quite clever because that kind of burgundy dark red and your 32:33 t-shirts always stand out at word camps as the only ones that color yeah yeah we that we did on Purpose By 32:41 the way we actually because we were orange at first which I was gonna say yeah it was quite typical for a Dutch 32:48 company but we were quite sick of it at some point yeah uh and um we literally did an exercise where we 32:55 put all the logos of all the big WordPress companies uh uh on a on a wall 33:00 and just started throwing new combinations of colors into it like what are we gonna do and this one stood out 33:08 the most absolutely that's an ongoing joke in Stellar is that with Devin and I 33:13 in particular all of the brands are blue except for give is green and we're like the next brand we acquire cannot be blue 33:21 that's right but it honestly at a WordPress conference a lot of a lot is 33:26 blue but it's even worse when you go to cloudfest you'd think that all these hosting Brands looked it would would 33:32 have like very distinguished Brands and then all of them basically look the same hmm yeah but I agree with Katie it is 33:41 like aspiring to to be a bit more than than what what the average is in the 33:47 WordPress world is important in these things and I think that actually starts with something different than logos and 33:54 um and and names it starts more with like what are your core principles what what 34:01 is it that your company stands for what besides making money is important to your company and thinking about those 34:09 things and then Translating that into a story is probably a much more important thing that that a lot of companies 34:16 should do a bit more well exercise on I think yeah yeah that's going back to 34:22 what I was saying about brand voice I think in some ways um you know when I want that when people 34:28 think of solid WB they think of um the solid foundation for their whole website 34:34 um that are all about security and backups and maintenance like that's what I want them to hear every single time in 34:40 one form or another um we'll see if that works Katie but are you actually doing kind of 34:46 like a soft like announcement that you're like considering a Rebrand is that what you're doing right here is are 34:51 you telling us this breaking news no no it's something that you know I have been debating for years he in particular 34:59 thinks it's worth it and I'm like okay you lead the projects and he hasn't chosen to but yeah this was a problem 35:07 with our last Rebrand um it's the biggest uh the nearest we've ever come to falling out uh you know we've built 35:14 lots of plugins and other aspects of the business together and The Branding was the thing that was the most sensitive so 35:21 we're a bit reluctant to get into it again and I've been very clear that it has to be his project because I can't go 35:28 there yeah I can imagine yeah so it's more like a dream that we would click 35:33 our fingers and have this magical new SAS level brand but there's no immediate 35:39 planned to do it yeah yeah I'll talk to Marika about this we should probably just talk write about 35:46 this a bit more and she's done a lot of that That Brand Story type work here 35:51 and it is something that we that you you run into uh a lot with companies is that that is 35:57 hard to do that and it's actually it's a lot of work and it takes time away from stuff that you that that seems like a 36:05 lot more important in the short term um but I do think it's actually good to to go through that process and you 36:11 become a better company for it well in terms of return on investment when we first started selling plugins we Return on Investment 36:18 just put the plugins on our main agency website which was fine but it wasn't that professional it was just average we 36:26 then did some work to just improve things like fonts and spacing and attention to detail and our conversion 36:34 rate shot up and we really saw the difference after that mini Rebrand and 36:40 then when we did the whole project to get our current brand there was no measurable increase in conversion rates 36:47 we spent hundreds of thousands of dollars no not hundreds tens of thousands of dollars 36:52 um hours and hours months of work and we didn't measure an improved Roi so I 36:59 wonder if there's a law of diminishing returns where once you're professional it's harder to quantify going to the 37:06 next level yes to some degree but I also think that there's that you just can't measure over Brand is an Asset 37:13 fishing yeah and uh this in particular is is very hard to put a proper measure 37:20 on um and that you're also selling yourself short by doing that a bit it's it that 37:28 brand is important for multiple things it's not just important for who you sell to but if you at some point want to sell 37:34 your company then that brand is actually an asset that they that they will look at like hey this is good this is 37:40 something we can use um and I think that there's there's a lot 37:47 of a lot that you could do with that and um it just in thinking about hey who are 37:54 we to whom and how do we how do we portray that um and thinking that every one of these 38:00 things can be measured is honestly um I think one of the fallacies of 38:05 marketing in general at the in the in the last decade uh and it's getting less and less true 38:11 so yeah yeah or at least getting a lot more challenging to measure measure 38:17 accurately um yeah we could do an entire episode on on measurement and how you can do that 38:23 it's the best way to get Marika uh mad is to say that you can measure everything precisely because you can't 38:30 and um but it it is yeah it all of these 38:36 things tied together um I think good branding and and knowing very well what your brand is and what 38:44 you stand for also leads to easier decisions and marketing and and to quicker decisions in 38:51 marketing so it has a lot of these spin-off effects that that are super important to Growing your business 38:57 no absolutely uh yes do you have a note here too about the importance of your own events 39:05 um as you get bigger um what's that about yeah so for me it's and for us Yscon 39:11 it's always been very important to to more to be more than just a WordPress 39:18 company or just an SEO company so we try to combine those things into yoscon 39:25 Marika created that entire program and I and I think that it's 39:31 super important once you reach a specific size and and you have enough of 39:37 an audience to be able to to pull that off that it's super helpful for everyone 39:42 not just to the outside but also to your team because you suddenly so what we 39:48 always did is we brought in what we thought were some of the best speakers in the WordPress space and in the in the 39:53 SEO space and combined them and it's super energizing because you you get all these ideas so after that a lot of 40:00 things would always happen in the company I think that's super cool to do 40:05 um and it doesn't have to be an event right it can be a a another thing as well but I I do think that it's 40:11 important to make your brand be more than just a logo it it has to be 40:18 an experience and it had there has to be if you can if you can attach experiences 40:24 to that to that brand name I think that's super powerful in the long run um and it's also 40:30 um Katie mentioned already like the people recognize their yoast college shirts and on work camps Etc it's always 40:38 like yes we're there we're there usually with a lot of people as seo's team and 40:43 you talk to a lot of people and you have a lot of fun conversations 40:49 um and you make some rules about that so one of the things that one of the first rules we always had was you don't get drunk in a Year's shirt 40:55 um uh because your brand perception is important I still get mad when we we 41:02 have Flags outside of our offices here in a couple of places and if those if those flags uh are ripped that you don't 41:10 do that to your brand you make sure that you replace them in time so it's it's something that you take care of and that 41:17 is uh and that is a bit more than than just um the physical appearance of it it's 41:23 very much also like how those people interact on a worst Camp is super important yeah yeah really simple Brand Guidelines 41:30 application of that honestly is just when people try to put together brand guidelines and things like that for how 41:36 others should be using the brand if they're going to promote you or if they're an affiliate things like that the truth is in the WordPress space I 41:43 often see that the brands don't even follow their own brand guidelines on their own website or in their own 41:49 product like I'll often see people putting their their icon or their logo 41:55 like in these weird colors and shapes and all kinds of stuff 42:00 but without you know without any real uh care for their own style guide you know 42:08 um I think I think that kind of thing is also really important um uh because if you don't do it 42:13 yourself you can't reach out to an affiliate and say Hey you made my logo look like crap on your website like help 42:18 me out here it's like well you kind of do that yourself so it's hard you have to set the right standards so 42:26 um I like the way that um yoast again I like the way that you're able to use the Y icon 42:33 um and like like recently I'm seeing it a lot with the rainbow behind it for example um I think that's really really clever 42:40 um the way that's been able to be used in a lot of different formats um and with different approaches to it we've 42:47 tried to do some fun things with the give G here and there like we put a Santa hat on it sometimes during the 42:53 Christmas season and things like that but it's a little bit harder to get away with I think with our give G 43:00 um well you need a level of brand recognition that's pretty hard to achieve I think before you can do weird Brand Recognition 43:06 stuff again with it and that takes time and money yeah uh and those sponsorships at 43:15 wordcamps are pretty costly so it is uh I mean it is that sort of thing that that you need to do to also get that 43:22 word out there yeah um but it's still like um uh I think it's worth it too and I 43:30 agree with you that that style guide is important but it's also like don't take yourself too seriously 43:36 [Music] um if you if you take your own brand seriously but also not too seriously I 43:42 think that's the best way of being at it yeah and that's why I love the barn too I mean even if it's weird in some 43:49 languages what that that it's it is what it is right it has a history and and that's a good thing yeah 43:57 absolutely well we are coming to the end and uh we want to wrap up with some of our best 44:02 advice so uh if you are working on a new product uh or a new brand 44:08 um we're gonna come rapid fire with our best advice right now so first up uh is 44:15 Katie Katie what is your best advice for folks who are building out a brand new brand yeah well we need to think about 44:21 people's different budgets and so on so as an absolute minimum create a simple brand that is highly professional and 44:28 will build trust and if possible if budget allows invest further in a more 44:33 professional unique brand identity that people will recognize much more 44:39 nice that's really good actual advice and I I would add to that that create 44:45 just a few rules of what it is that you want to do in the world besides making money because I assume that all of you 44:50 want to make money but what are the other things that that you want to achieve and that you would like the 44:56 world to see and write those down and discuss those with your company and see like how how do people react to this and 45:04 that bring that into your brand yeah a couple times in here yoast you 45:09 also mentioned like the non-physical aspects of your brand is that that is is that what you're touching on a little 45:15 bit there yeah yeah I think a brand is much more a 45:20 it's something that people can rally around so it is it is uh a flag but it's 45:26 also what that flank stands for so the rainbow colors for yoasts are 45:32 very much something that fits with the values the core values of yoast and um 45:37 having those core values and being being clear about what your company's core values are is is super worthwhile yep Final Thoughts 45:46 absolutely that's definitely a guiding thing we did with give is like our tagline is democratizing generosity and 45:53 so everything that we do um with our brand and uh is all about how we can encourage people to be more 46:00 generous in one form or another um I think my best advice 46:06 um if you're just just barely getting started is to really focus on um recognizable names that are easy 46:13 um especially internationally I don't want to throw this company under the bus but I do have to mention like in in the 46:20 Work Camp Europe space right now we have a media partner named WP giz 46:26 um and uh spelled with a G and it's a little bit unfortunate honestly and it's caused a little bit of controversy 46:31 around where Camp Europe a bit because the pronunciation is a bit unfortunate 46:37 when it comes to English um and uh but they're doing some really cool media work honestly like I've been 46:43 watching them closely they're doing a really good job um so really focus on International pronunciation as much as possible and 46:51 develop a tone guide specifically because I really think between having a really great term and then having a 46:58 really strong and Clear Tone guide like logo icon colors all of the starts to 47:04 get a lot easier once you've really honed in on the word Mark and honed in on a really good tone guide in 47:11 particular those two things just um make everything else a lot easy going forward 47:16 so cool that's all we've got any other last final comments uh anything else 47:24 um special do you want to call out any great reveals coming up this way from Amelia or Barn two 47:30 oh I'd like to know more about what you're doing at wordcamp Europe oh yes so at work and Bureau we have a 47:37 couple of companies pitching us so we're doing a sort of like uh people have 47:42 called it a mini Shark Tank uh but yeah people are pitching us their new 47:48 products for investment we still have a couple of spots open now because someone dropped out so if if someone wants to 47:55 purchase their company we're still very happy to receive those pictures 48:01 um and we're also just going to be there and have fun and meet up with all our our WordPress friends so I'm really 48:06 looking forward to getting to Athens that's awesome sounds amazing so when is it because I didn't see it on the 48:12 schedule isn't it is it which schedule were you looking at at our side word Camp Europe 48:19 one um oh the timings now we'll publish the timings uh later this week so we will 48:25 make sure to check uh follow follow us on Twitter Emilia Capital it's very simple 48:33 um and what do we got going next week um we're bringing on Michelle right yep so we've just had her for the 48:40 introduction she is our guest next week and that will be the last full week 48:45 before word Camp Europe so we thought we should do a word Camp Focus WP product 48:50 talk she's um obviously amazing Community leader and we're going to talk 48:56 to her about maximizing your words Camp experience tips for specifically product 49:01 owners in how to get the most out of word Camp just right before we get to a lot of us put it into practice the 49:08 following week excellent I'm always looking forward to talking with Michelle for sure so thank 49:15 you everybody for a great week for a great conversation and uh we will see everybody next week with Michelle have a 49:21 good one